Google is now using AI to keep up with the businesses’ timings

Artificial intelligence (AI )has become a part of most of our lives, whether it be in our work uses or for entertainment ones. And now many developers have also started to use AI in their apps to facilitate users and make things easier for themselves. Many apps have used AI to battle cyberbullying and racism and many use it to regulate their content or their algorithms.

In a blog post, Google released the data on how it uses AI to update the work hours of the business on Google Maps. In that blog it was explained that many people tend to visit shops when they are supposedly closed because they do not trust the timings offered by Google. They also said that they update the timings of the business only when they are sure of the assumption made by their AI.

In that same report Google outlined the factors it uses for when it determines what are the potential business hours for a specific shop. In the first step it looks at the last time the timings were updated, popular times that are probably incorrect and the timings of similar shops. In that post it was clarified that the AI looks into even more factors while deciding the appropriate timings to be put on the app for any business. The AI can use photos of the business because sometimes there are signs depicting the timings outside of the shop or it reaches out to people associated with the business like the owner or frequent customers.

A spokesperson from Google, Genevieve Park told the media that Google only updates the timings when they are completely sure of them but that does not mean that predictions do not have any input in the final published timings.

Park also said that Google does not necessarily reveal to its users when the timings of a business are updated or changed. Google also warns its users that the timings may potentially be incorrect so to stay on the safe side the user should cross check by contacting the business on the contact information provided. She also said that Google is on its way to correct the timings of over 20 million businesses in the next six months.

Google is also working on a feature to update and inaugurate the speed limits in its Maps app. They will see if any of their photographing partners have taken photos of the speed limit signs on streets in order to update them.

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