Employees Now Spend Almost Half Their Work Day Trying to Search for Information, Could Excessive Focus on Productivity Be to Blame?

Improving employee productivity has been a major focus for most businesses out there, but in spite of the fact that this is the case many of the techniques they are implementing to this end could be doing more harm than good. A great example of this can be seen in the recent study conducted by Coveo, since this study suggests that an overabundance of knowledge sources to improve efficiency might be contributing to employee burnout.

With so many employees working remotely, corporations have started to provide them with as many resources for acquiring knowledge as they can manage, but in spite of the fact that this is the case this is forcing employees to spend around 3.6 hours a day just searching for information. People working in IT are especially prone to wasting time with them spending around 4.2 hours a day in search of relevant data that should be accessible in a much simpler and easier manner.

31% of employees stated that the level of stress they go through while trying to acquire information is so high that it leads to them feeling burned out with all things having been considered and taken into account. 16% said that the effects were even more severe, making them want to quit their jobs or at least try to find another company that they can work for.

58% of employees suggested that the reason behind their difficulties in finding information might be because of their employers offering them far too many resources that can be difficult to parse the right data from. 60% of employees had at least four different data sources to find their information from, and 18% had as many as seven so it’s easy to see how an overly excited management team might be making employees a lot more burned out than they need to be. With the Great Resignation currently causing havoc for many enterprises, companies need to start looking into boosting productivity through other means that are more efficient and precise in as many ways as possible.

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