Three Out of Four Consumers Use Social Media for Shopping

Social media can be used for a huge number of things such as staying connected with any family members or friends that you might have lost touch with, but recently these platforms have started to diversify their offerings. Facebook and a few other social media sites are starting to incorporate ecommerce into their platforms as well because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up leveraging their user bases for larger amounts of profit.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that 76% of users that responded to a recent survey from Bazaarvoice said that they used social media to find inspiration regarding the things that they want to buy. 61% of them said that they ended up buying something that they saw in their newsfeeds randomly as well, which just goes to show how effective these sites are becoming in terms of digital marketing with all things having been considered and taken into account.

Experts have also found their voices on social media, and they are among the most trusted resources for people that are looking for advice when purchasing items such as gifts and the like. 35% of consumers said that they preferred listening to experts while shopping, and 60% said that they listened to the recommendations of general influencers. Many brands have started to use influencers in their marketing strategies, and these stats indicate that this is a very effective strategy for them to end up using for the most part.

There’s also the family and friends aspect of social media that can drive commerce. Around 25% of respondents said that recommendations from people that they know online factored into their purchasing decisions. People often leave reviews for products that they have recently bought on social media, and this can help give others an idea about whether or not a product is worth buying as well. These platforms are becoming an increasingly central component of ecommerce and this will likely continue to grow over the next few years.

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