This New Report from Adobe Reveals How Brands Can Build Consumer Trust

Consumers have become a great deal more digitally savvy as of late, and they have come to expect any brand that they are buying from to meet their expectations in that regard. Much of the reputation that brands are trying to build can be made or broken by the level of trust that consumers have in them. Hence, this new report from Adobe can be useful for such brands because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up allowing them to better understand the impact that consumer trust levels can have on them.

Adobe surveyed over 12,000 consumers as part of this report, and they also queried over 2,000 executive level employees. The latter group was sourced from around fifteen different countries so that a balanced enough understanding of their views on the matter could be reached. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that 75% of executives felt like maintaining consumer trust has become more difficult ever since the pandemic began.

This corresponds to the around 73% of consumers that are not willing to share their data with their brands, with all of these consumers saying that their feelings about how their data might be used leads to this mistrust. The main source of mistrust is the assumption that giving a brand their data would not benefit them at all, but would rather only benefit the brand by giving them data that can be used to further their marketing goals.

81% of consumers also said that they wanted more control over how their data was used. If brands were to give consumers the level of control they desire, they might have an easier time building trust with consumers. 84% said that even if they don’t get control over data usage by brands, getting more transparency that allows them to easily see how their data is being utilized would make them trust brands more. 84% also said that proper data security measures would further increase how much they trust brands.

Unfortunately, a majority of executives said that their companies don’t consider data privacy to be a huge priority. Only about 41% said that their companies prioritized proper data security and governance, and this is something that needs to be rectified if brands want customers to start trusting them again. The needs of consumers need to be met, otherwise they might not have a good reason to trust any brands due to the lack of evidence that would make them think to the contrary with all things having been considered and taken into account.

There are countless things that can make a customer lose trust in a brand. 76% agreed that brands need to show more empathy about the user experience, 69% said that personalization was an important factor in whether or not they trusted a brand, and 72% went on to say that a lack of personalization could make them trust a brand less. Better communication between brands and consumers could be a key factor in solving these trust issues which are holding a lot of brands back from what they can truly achieve.

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