This Android Antivirus Actually Contains Malware

Android has definitely faced an uphill battle when it comes to competing with iOS, but the operating system has managed to secure a pretty comfortable foothold thanks to the diverse range of phones that incorporate it into their designs. However, this doesn’t change the fact that Android has a serious problem when it comes to malware, and while the App Store also has similar issues suffice it to say that they are a lot less severe than the ones you might find in the Google Play Store.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that yet another kind of malware has ended up entering the Play Store. What makes this even more concerning is that the malware is disguising itself as an antivirus app. Plenty of users are looking for antiviruses these days because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up keeping them safe from malware and the like.

Hence, an antivirus containing malware is a pretty serious issue with all things having been considered and taken into account. Cleafy and the NCC Group, two of the foremost cybersecurity institutions out there, found this malware in an app called Antivirus, Super Cleaner. It contains a banking Trojan that can intercept SMS as well as other kinds of communications as well as significantly compromising your financial security.

One thing to note is that this antivirus is not mimicking a big name brand. Going for trusted antivirus brands can be a great way to protect yourself from harmful apps, as is the case with most other app varieties that you might want to check out. Most users that get their phones infected by malware were trying to download a cheap or free app, and these are the ones that are far more likely to contain Trojans and various other software that might harm you.

This app was able to bypass Google’s security measures by containing a rather light malware that is hard to detect. That indicates that many other apps might have similar kinds of malware too.

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