Researchers show how quickly your system can be hacked and encrypted by the leading malwares

One fact that the world cannot deny is that though we live in a highly advanced tech era, the number of malwares and ransomwares we experience have increased too. In short, with increasing technology, there are more ransomware attacks.

While there are a lot of ransom and malwares, what duration and with what potency they can attack in a limited time is something which wasn’t tested before. This was until Splunk tested some of the most common attackers in the malware industry to see how quickly they would encrypt a 53GB system after infecting it. Well, the answer is quite simple and a little heart breaking.

The system can be attacked and encrypted pretty quickly. The company for the test purpose installed Windows 10 and Windows 19 server on four computers and installed around 98,561 files on it. It then tested ten different malwares to see how quickly the malwares might encrypt the system, and which malware in what duration will complete its job.

Well, the leading malware in this race happened to be Lock Bit which on the Windows 2019 server did the job in just 4 minutes and nine minutes. The median time happened to be 5 minutes 50 seconds. The runner up in this race which did its job in just a median time of 6 minutes 34 seconds was Babuk. The remaining eight malwares did their job within an hour or so while only two of them, Maze and PYSA exceeded the one-hour limit.

The average time for encryption of all these malwares altogether was under one hour. This shows if attacked how quickly your system can be hacked and encrypted. However, hackers take their sweet time in doing the job of cleansing your PC. Why so?

This is because the hackers ensure to harm as many components and areas of your system as they can and get inside as much data of yours that they can get their hands on.

All this backs up the fact that how quickly malwares can attack your system and how with increasing technology any hacker can do your data so much harm.

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