The emerging social app, TikTok is on the rise since it’s been launched. TikTok is now advancing the duration of its videos up to more than 5 minutes to generate maximum advertisements’ revenue.
Formerly, TikTok enables users to upload short-form content with a time limit of up to 3 minutes. Short videos aren’t a burden for a user and provide complete information and entertainment to the viewer. Last week, TikTok proceeded with this update in a report shared by Chris Stokel-Walker that says the duration is extended from 3 minutes to 5 minutes or even longer. The company also disclosed how this update will be in favor of the social media platform.
By this update, users can efficiently upload weekly or daily vlogs, mini kitchen tours, or showing cooking recipes in the app. Interestingly, some creators have been filming longer duration-based videos, which is useful for the owners to look at the possible feedback of the global community who are watching videos up to 10 mins longer.
In contrast, Snapchat has already come up with the spotlight feature, YouTube has rolled out shorts. All of these are short-duration-based videos. Let’s be honest, the advantage is that no one is bothered by short videos, and it provides maximum information in a limited time. Thus, saving one’s precious time. According to the WIRED report, this new update might be good at generating revenue but won’t be much appreciated by the users who get frustrated by the ads. As you may know that ads generate revenue, the more the ads within a video, the more the profit. So TikTok Company is focusing on this update to compete with other social apps
After conducting experiments on global users, it has been found that people bothered watching extended videos but at the same time, the company generated $4.6 billion in revenue last year. Statistics showed that this expansion is welcomed by most of the users in Thailand, U.S. and Japan. The company is extraordinarily satisfied with the analysis. However, the only focus of TikTok is to launch more features that are unique in their way so that everyone is hooked on the social media platform.
The wait will be soon over, you will see a notification enabling you to upload longer videos to attract more subscribers and likes.

Read next: This Report Reveals How Content Creators Feel About the Metaverse
Formerly, TikTok enables users to upload short-form content with a time limit of up to 3 minutes. Short videos aren’t a burden for a user and provide complete information and entertainment to the viewer. Last week, TikTok proceeded with this update in a report shared by Chris Stokel-Walker that says the duration is extended from 3 minutes to 5 minutes or even longer. The company also disclosed how this update will be in favor of the social media platform.
By this update, users can efficiently upload weekly or daily vlogs, mini kitchen tours, or showing cooking recipes in the app. Interestingly, some creators have been filming longer duration-based videos, which is useful for the owners to look at the possible feedback of the global community who are watching videos up to 10 mins longer.
In contrast, Snapchat has already come up with the spotlight feature, YouTube has rolled out shorts. All of these are short-duration-based videos. Let’s be honest, the advantage is that no one is bothered by short videos, and it provides maximum information in a limited time. Thus, saving one’s precious time. According to the WIRED report, this new update might be good at generating revenue but won’t be much appreciated by the users who get frustrated by the ads. As you may know that ads generate revenue, the more the ads within a video, the more the profit. So TikTok Company is focusing on this update to compete with other social apps
After conducting experiments on global users, it has been found that people bothered watching extended videos but at the same time, the company generated $4.6 billion in revenue last year. Statistics showed that this expansion is welcomed by most of the users in Thailand, U.S. and Japan. The company is extraordinarily satisfied with the analysis. However, the only focus of TikTok is to launch more features that are unique in their way so that everyone is hooked on the social media platform.
The wait will be soon over, you will see a notification enabling you to upload longer videos to attract more subscribers and likes.
Read next: This Report Reveals How Content Creators Feel About the Metaverse