Is an open-bar strategy safe on Linkedin? How harmful accepting any/all connections can be?

Is an open-bar strategy safe on LinkedIn? How harmful accepting connections can be? First, we must understand what exactly LinkedIn is and how it operates; LinkedIn is an online network building platform. It can be a goldmine for home-based businesses and freelancers because of the hundreds of professional opportunities it contains. Linkedin is not only business oriented but also helps it’s users with job opportunities as it is also used as an online professional portfolio. Unlike other social networks, Linkedin’s algorithm prioritizes posts that are relevant over posts that have been posted recently. This helps keep the user feed filled with content of their interests. Just like this, Linkedin displays articles and fresh job openings too that fit its user needs.

In short, this power of ranking signals can help users rub their elbows with other professionals. Generally, a larger Linkedin network means larger connection that results with more opportunities to be availed.

Users have different approaches to networking on Linkedin. Some are very reserved about their connections, an exclusive club approach while some believe that having hundreds of connections can give their posts a boost, which they call an open-bar strategy.

However, having too many strangers as in your connections can be a headache. As you’ll likely get a lot of spam messages asking for irrelevant favors.

Recently, SocialMediaToday asked users about their prefercnes on new LinkedIn connection requests, and it appears a lot of pro LinkedIn users know that having a small set of like-minded people can result in better opportunities instead of having thousands of connections who never get the chance to even explore your posts and profile.

In the response to SMT survey, a user said, "I may not accept all invitations to connect, but I do reply to them with a quick message: 'Thank you for your connection request. Typically I only connect with people I’ve communicated with, may I ask how you found me?' Then Ignore the invite. If they respond, I may decide to connect or not."

LinkedIn also explains in a support page that "On LinkedIn, the basic type of connection is a contact you know personally and who you trust on a professional level."

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