Forgetting your password is the sort of thing that can be really frustrating because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up locking you out of an account that you would have ideally wanted to maintain access to. What makes this even worse is that you need to create very unique and complicated passwords if you want to keep yourself safe online which increases the likelihood that you would forget what this password actually is.
This is where the iCloud keychain comes into play. It allows you to generate unique passwords and save them in your iCloud account, something that makes it so that you wouldn’t have to remember a single password as long as you keep your account active. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that there is a pretty big problem with this so called keychain that has caused a lot of annoyance for users instead of easing their online activities to any reasonable degree.
This issue is that the iCloud keychain saves your password but does not save a username that corresponds to that password. People often have different usernames for the various accounts that the own online, and that means that the Keychain often doesn’t realize that you need to enter a password that you have saved on your iCloud account if you use it as your sole password manager. The great news is that Apple is finally fixing that with the latest update to iOS 15 as well as other operating systems for iPad and Mac.
Now, whenever you try to enter a password or generate a new one, Safari will ask you to enter a username that you associate with this password. That can result in a much more seamless logging on experience for the average user, and it will dramatically increase the efficacy of this password manager. Using a password manager is essential in this modern day and age, so it’s good that Apple has tried to make the iCloud Keychain thoroughly optimized all in all.
H/T: Ryan Jones
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This is where the iCloud keychain comes into play. It allows you to generate unique passwords and save them in your iCloud account, something that makes it so that you wouldn’t have to remember a single password as long as you keep your account active. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that there is a pretty big problem with this so called keychain that has caused a lot of annoyance for users instead of easing their online activities to any reasonable degree.
This issue is that the iCloud keychain saves your password but does not save a username that corresponds to that password. People often have different usernames for the various accounts that the own online, and that means that the Keychain often doesn’t realize that you need to enter a password that you have saved on your iCloud account if you use it as your sole password manager. The great news is that Apple is finally fixing that with the latest update to iOS 15 as well as other operating systems for iPad and Mac.
Now, whenever you try to enter a password or generate a new one, Safari will ask you to enter a username that you associate with this password. That can result in a much more seamless logging on experience for the average user, and it will dramatically increase the efficacy of this password manager. Using a password manager is essential in this modern day and age, so it’s good that Apple has tried to make the iCloud Keychain thoroughly optimized all in all.
H/T: Ryan Jones
Read next: iPhone Broke All The Records And Became the Most Selling Smartphone in 2021