YouTube has to take big steps to curb misleading information on the platform, warns a group of fact-checking firms

2022 is the year that came with a lot of problems for YouTube. Over 6 dozen main fact-checking organizations are pressurizing YouTube to improve its content moderation system.

At the start of the new year, YouTubers spreading misinformation may now be facing some consequences. More than eighty fact checking firms are asking YouTube to do better with their monitoring system, because many of us are very well aware of the fact that, YouTube is becoming a large source of misguidedness about Covid and other aspects of life and health related subjects.

An open letter from the “collision of fact-checking checking firm” wrote that they have observed that over the past few years’ misinformation has massively increased online and one of the biggest sources of this happens to be YouTube.

We have seen many creators publishing misleading information about pandemic. Hundreds of videos are circulating on the video-sharing app about the vaccination of Covid and false rumors about how they are dangerous. This is a high concern for fact-checking firms.

Fact-checking groups include US based groups like Washington post-fact, Politifact with Africa Check and Africa Dubawa, along with India Crescendo and many more organizations from all around the world including Israel, Turkey, and Indonesia.

The group of eighty firms noted this in the letter how false health-related issues are circulating on video content sharing/hosting platform, and it is dangerous because many videos, which consist of wrong information, are out there. It includes cancer treatment from unscientific sources and these videos leave a negative impact on the personal health instead of doing something good.

Further written in the letter, in the last year, we saw how the conspiracy movement arose against the Covid vaccine which started on YouTube. This movement started in Germany, jumped to Spain, then America and through the millions of viewers of all these videos, spread all around the world.

Additionally, the letter highlights the problem of those misleading videos which are publishing Non-English format too but the good thing is this fact-checking firm are not only indicating the problem but they are also giving solutions for all these.

They said in the letter, YouTube may have to take more intense steps towards transparency of these videos and the tech giant should hire people who have knowledge about other languages to help the cause.

Other social media platforms like Facebook, always take strict action on these types of videos.

YouTube can't always stay under the negative radar and they have to take big steps towards improvement soon.

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