Social Media Videos Reaches Almost Equal Watch Time as TV, New Study Shows

The advent of the internet brought about many changes to the manner in which you have currently chosen to end up living your life, but perhaps none was more prominent than the fact that content creators could now start posting videos without having to go through traditional channels. Previously the only way to display content was on TV, but all of that changed when YouTube came around and suffice it to say that there are now many more platforms in the same vein.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that a recent study that was conducted by the Consumer Technology Association has revealed that social media streaming might now be on par with traditional TV shows and the like. This comes from a survey that they conducted that asked around 2,000 people what their viewing habits were, and the results of this survey were surprising to say the least due to the decreased emphasis on TV.

About 18% of the people in the survey said that they watched TV shows, and 16% said that they preferred watching user generated content. This is a massive paradigm shift and it indicates that the preferences of the younger generation are changing. The truly revolutionary aspect of this paradigm shift is that there really is no barrier for entry for online user content creation, rather it’s a matter of understanding the algorithm and creating content that your target audience would love with no one standing in the way of that.

For teenagers that were between the ages of 13 and 17, about 56% of their total watch time involved watching user generated content. If you look at the older generation, namely those that are at least 55 years old, this watch time comprises only 22% of the total. Younger users are becoming increasingly interested in content that has not been made through major studios but rather that comes from people who are ostensibly like them, and this is something that has made regular content creators quite wealthy as well.

However, the biggest winner out of the lot actually appears to be streaming platforms such as Netflix that offer users video on demand content for a subscription. Around 20% of total watch time was dedicated to this, and while the content on these platforms is similar to traditional TV it is also quite different in that it can be accessed at any time rather than having to wait for a specific airing schedule to come into play. This is something that is impacting TV in more ways than one.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if you were to combine all forms of traditional TV and all forms of user generated content, the end result becomes a bit more lopsided. Basically, traditional TV is still relevant, but it is definitely starting to decrease in its relevance and a lot of brands are starting to take note of this as well. That’s why so many content creators are getting major brand deals instead of big television networks since they are starting to be seen as relics of the past.

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