Reddit Has Become a Hub for Hate Speech According to Subreddit Mods

Reddit is a social media site that many enjoy using because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up allowing you to see things that you may not be capable of witnessing on any other platform at all. However, one thing that many people have been concerned about is the tendency for many subreddits, which is a term used to describe topic centric forums on the platform, to feature hate speech.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that moderators of various subreddits have claimed that Reddit is failing to do anything about these types of comments. For example, a moderator of a r/Portugal noticed that a sister subreddit by the name of R/Portuguese features a lot of really racist comments on one of the posts that were shared on it.

This moderator decided to send a complaint to Reddit, but the response he received was quite jarring. The response essentially was that Reddit did not find anything wrong with the comments that were reported, and that might have a lot to do with the fact that the comments had been written out in Portuguese rather than in English.

There has been an increasing realization that many social media sites fail to do what they have to do in order to keep their platforms safe if the dangerous elements are from outside the anglosphere. This is a problem that really needs to be rectified since it can make these social media platforms a really hostile environment for anyone that does not speak English as their first language. Reddit is just one example, and there are several more that people would want to talk about in order to indicate the escalating situation that is likely going to get worse before it has any chance of getting better.

H/T: TimeMag

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