Instagram Has Added The Ability To Display Scheduled Live Videos On Users Profile

Instagram's working on a new method via which scheduled live videos can appear on users profile. Other projects in the works include adding external links to scheduled live videos, and an entire monetization program for Reels.

Live videos took a while to find their footing on Instagram, but now they're well on their way to being one of the most successful and interactive forms of content on the platform. Live videos have especially benefited from the likes of Twitch and YouTube, since these sites helped develop both ideas and a general sense of direction for going live; something that Instagram users desperately needed to be taught. No longer will we have uncomfortably silent QnAs with users who have around 700 followers. Now, live videos can be used for live video game streams, interactive board game sessions, live music, and other stuff. Finally, someone's actually having fun with the format.

A new feature that Instagram's working on will allow users to schedule live videos in a manner that they will appear on their Instagram profiles ahead of time, notes app researcher Alessandro Paluzzi. This is much like the "going live in ETA _" videos that show up on Twitch or YouTube. The live video being there before going up makes it much easier for users to access. People can generally even expect a larger audience reaction, simply based on the improved upon accessibility. It's a good feature to add, and helps ensure that fewer users miss out on the Instagram Live experience.

Another feature, as spotted by Alessandro Paluzzi, added to scheduled Live videos concerns the addition of external links. Now, scheduled Live videos can have links to external platforms embedded, therefore allowing users to either click on a relevant link that will explain the Live video's goals and aims, professional or otherwise. Users can set up chat rooms a bit before the relevant livestream begins. This way, everyone can engage with each other over the Live videos and embedded platforms, and even shares some common interaction.

Finally, Instagram's Reels is doing very well for itself, but can always be doing better. No point in copying TikTok as a platform if you're not going to be able to beat them in terms of viewers. Then again, other such platforms, i.e. YouTube Shorts are heavily benefiting from users getting paid out by the YouTube company. A similar concept has been added here for creators. The total pool is around approximately USD $8,500. However, there's a catch: users can only attain the full amount at a cumulative 9.28 million views, which seems excessive to the point of borderline gatekeeping.

Read next: Instagram Launched A New 'Add Yours' Sticker To Its Interface, Bringing In An Entirely New Dynamic To Interaction On The Platform
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