Gmail’s Search Chips Will Be Incorporated Into Google Drive Soon

Services like Google Drive and Gmail are known for having a lot of files on them, and these files tend to accumulate over time. That means that eventually you are going to need some kind of efficient search feature that would enable you to sift through these files in the most efficient possible manner, and suffice it to say that Gmail probably has a much better search feature that Drive because it has a little feature known as Search Chips which help you to narrow down your search based on file type as well as a wide range of other factors too.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Search Chips are going to be coming to Google Drive too in order to improve the search function for that app. You can narrow down the search results by file type, file location, the people that created the file, the date at which it was last modified, as well as the pending tasks that are required in the file itself.

All of these things will help people sift through the detritus that might have accumulated in their Google Drive. One thing to note here is that a lot of people have left their Google Drive untouched for quite a long time due to the clutter that has accumulated with in it. This new feature is going to help people to sort this clutter out, thereby creating a much more manageable interface that they can end up taking advantage of with all things having been considered and taken into account.

This update has been a long time coming for the people that were waiting for an improvement to Google Drive’s search function. However, now that it is here it will definitely make Google Drive easier for a lot of people to use.

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