What Country Has the Most Per Capita App Spending? The Answer Might Surprise You

Consumer spending on apps is an all important revenue generator for app developers because of the fact that this could potentially end up making them a lot less reliant on ads and the like. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that the country that has the highest per capita spending is not the US or any other country in that region, but rather it is Japan which has been seeing a massive year on year increase for quite some time now, as reported by ST.

The YoY increase that Japan saw in 2020 was 23%, a remarkably high number that might have been fueled by the pandemic induced surge in app usage and downloads. However, in 2021 the growth rate dropped to 18%. While this is still really high, it might indicate that growth rates are starting to wind down, although they continue to remain strong across the board.

China is not included in these statistics due to the reason that the Google Play Store is not available there, but regardless of that consumer spending on apps grew by 22% in top markets. While Japan dominates on a per capita basis, the US market spent the most with $30.1 billion which was a 24% rise from the $24.2 billion that was spent last year. All in all, the global app market saw $65.4 billion in consumer spending, up significantly from the $53.8 billion that was seen last year. All of these things indicate the strength of the app market, and show that the growth that is being seen is not going to go away anytime soon especially when you take into account the fact that it’s not just gaming related apps that earning this much money these days.

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