The Biggest Issues Impacting Apple Users Revealed in Latest Study

While Apple products are generally thought to be more or less as user friendly as anything else you might want to buy from the current market, there are still certain issues that can still arise. Taking note of these issues is important because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up informing you about the kind of performance that you can expect from an Apple device that you might be considering purchasing in the future.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Mackeeper has conducted a study regarding which Apple tutorials are the most used among users and this has shed a lot of light on what the most common issues that are currently plaguing Apple users might just happen to be. This information is broken down by the US state that it is coming from so that a deeper understanding of how each state perceives Apple products can be better obtained.

One of the biggest Apple user problems has to do with backing up data with all things having been considered and taken into account. This is the case in 32 out of the 50 states that currently exist in the US, something that indicates that it is a problem that the vast majority of Apple users might be facing. This data is obtained from the fact that iPhone backup guides are among the most requested among Apple users on YouTube.

In fact, if you look at the state of Illinois alone, you would find that just under 10,000 searches were made regarding this issue on YouTube and the numbers are high across the board as well.

It turns out that even the most apparently basic tasks involving Apple products end up becoming an issue among Apple users. This is especially the case in states like California, Florida and Georgia where many users are trying to figure out how they can go about unlocking their iPhones in the first place which really should be simple for them to understand yet they need tutorials and guides and the like to help them figure out how they can do it.

There were over 40,000 searches for “How to unlock iPhone” among Californians alone, something that indicates that even the most seemingly basic tasks can appear to be difficult to those that are not all that tech savvy. This is also a sign that knowledge regarding tech is not as widespread as some might think. Having adequate tech knowledge can in many situations be considered a real privilege, and not everyone is going to be able to access the same level of knowledge as others.

There are a bunch of other topics that users were searching for, such as how to record their screens and how to open their phone camera. iPhones tend to have designs that are made to simplify matters for users, but regardless of how much effort ends up being put into this kind of thing there will always be roadblocks that users will face and it is good that there are online tutorials available to make it easier for them to do so.

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