Bug bounty programs are a great way for tech companies to figure out if any of the services or platforms that they are running have security issues that need to be fixed because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up putting security in the hands of independent bug hunters who are compensated for their efforts. Android Enterprise is Google’s attempt to enter the mobile related work management field, and it turns out that the tech giant is starting a new Vulnerability Rewards Program or VRP for this product.
With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that the rewards that bug hunters would be getting for this would be higher than they have ever seen before. Previously, a bug bounty of around $30,000 would have been considered the best that anyone could ever end up hoping for, but it turns out that with the new bug bounty program for Android Enterprise the rewards could go up to $250,000, and that will help entice a lot of bug hunters to try and get in on the program.

Read next: Google is planning to make Android users life a bit more easier, this feature will help them manage their work and personal profiles even better
With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that the rewards that bug hunters would be getting for this would be higher than they have ever seen before. Previously, a bug bounty of around $30,000 would have been considered the best that anyone could ever end up hoping for, but it turns out that with the new bug bounty program for Android Enterprise the rewards could go up to $250,000, and that will help entice a lot of bug hunters to try and get in on the program.
- Also read: Google Is Reducing Its Cut Of Profits From The Play Store From 30% To 15% Of An App's Annual Revenue

Read next: Google is planning to make Android users life a bit more easier, this feature will help them manage their work and personal profiles even better