Android 12 Is Adding A Bunch Of New Features For Both Users And Admins That Can Be Implemented In A Workplace Environment

Android 12 is going to be open source very soon, and Google has recently put out a blog post about what's new in the OS for end users and enterprise admins.

In a nutshell, end users get a slew of new features via which they can control their privacy and online thumbprint a bit more effectively. Enterprise admins, on the other hand, get access to security measures that can be imposed to protect corporate data. With security being such an important part of the online world today, and news articles highlighting phishing attacks and hackers almost daily, it's easy to see why the OS could end up being extremely popular with the general Android dependent crowd. Apple's added an entire line of security features with Tracking/Transparency. It's about time Android brought it's A game to the battlefield as well.

A feature that IT admins can take advantage of allows 5G data to be sliced and then evenly distributed between all applications on a fully-managed device. Since this feature can be limited to Work Profile applications, giving them more bandwidth, admins have an overall larger control about how data gets used and distributed. This can lead to a more efficient workplace system.

Admins can also limit USB C port functionality in Android devices. While they're typically used for charging, USB C wires can also connect to data banks, leading to sensitive information being stolen, or bugs being planted into workplace devices. With this new feature, USB C devices can be limited to only using the cable as a form of charging, and nothing else, making such covert attacks more difficult to carry out.

Devices can also have their keyboards limited to the default setting. What this means is that it'll be difficult to glean important information from employees, based on how they use the mobile's built in keyboard. Keyboards can be used as a form of data siphoning, and Android devices even have built in warnings to ensure that no unnecessary information is being used up by using accessory keyboards and apps.

On the user end of things, workplace devices will no longer report IMEI, MEID, or any serial numbers to admin. This way, employee privacy can be respected, something that doesn't seem particularly relevant in the moment, but becomes a very useful and relieving trait to have when leaving a company behind. No one wants an entire record of their work, good and bad, in the hands of people they'll never converse with again.

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