The Boom Of Social Media Is Supported By A UC Berkely Study As Beneficial For Adolescents

The Covid 19 pandemic has done unprecedented harm to the world, both financially and emotionally. These times have been extremely tough for everyone in many ways including; large number of deaths, food crisis, economic clashes, unemployment and educational catastrophe. All of these leading towards a unstable human psychology.

Although Covid 19 has affected people in a lot of ways, education is the factor that was affected the most. The academic activities were halted due to the initial Covid 19 wave, however, preventative measures were taken and studies continued online. Institutes used conference meeting apps to conduct classes and subsequently increased the screen time for students, which was considered harmful until recently a study from UC Berkeley confirmed that the students who were spending more time on social media were less lonely than those who were spending less. Social media can be positive and negative both depending on its usage, but during the Covid 19 pandemic tables turned especially for adolescents. Due to multicultural impact of the pandemic teenagers have suffered emotionally and the only thing that's keeping them from falling apart is a daily dose of friendly social media sessions. Online learning is proving to be more efficient by a little more effort for example Magis-Weinberg and her team flew to Peru prior to the pandemic to conduct in-person data collection and analysis. The team worked with different groups of approximately 500 students and overcame the challenge of telecommunicating by using it to build strong relationships with the group, which positively resulted in more systematic information.

The study was able to grow over time from just 2 schools and 500 students to work with 65 schools and over 15000 students to the point of even introducing a new short course that evaluated the mental well being of students in the pandemic. The course was extended towards teachers to assist them in providing more students and one on one assistance in terms of the psychological impacts of the pandemic.

During these times when everything is relying on technology, it is imperative that we use it efficiently in all perspectives and promote the brighter side of the online world rather than influencing others towards the wrong path. The study had highlighted the need for connections, forms of entertainment, and studies that provide a better understanding of human psychology in the pandemic, as everything is different and new in nature. Magis Weinberg concluded the study by stating the fact that psychological development is of extreme importance in the adolescence years of a human being. The role need not be under estimated as, over the years, it is the development here that is called in action.

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