Is Artificial Intelligence’s Resume Searching Beneficial For Firms?

In the 21st century where everything relies on technology it's difficult for a system to work without it. Even though the world prospers with the help of technology and the advancement it has provided there is always a drawback.

The job market has been ruthless for a long time now and the competition has been only increasing since then. Due to this many companies have catered towards a technological aspect to come up with an automated hiring system which on one hand increases the number of candidates applying but on the other it neglects different important aspects of a candidate which could have been helpful in the job. According to a new study by Harvard Business School a large majority of Fortune 500 companies have adopted Applicant Tracking System for hiring, however, the automated process is an obstacle that ceases the opportunity of employment from well deserving candidates. Companies use the automated hiring system and sets extremely stern filters in their hiring software which only leads to the rejection of more candidates without an explanation from their side.

The failure of the system to take into consideration the leaves for management skills, pregnancy or other stopovers in lives, that imperative or not resorts the person to explore alternative means of employment or even have to discontinue if situations are tough.

This has locked out many candidates from the jobs because of the systematic difficulties in the hiring structure. There has been little room as the artificial sight inclined by the system fails to account for the expertise of an in-person employer who not only scans a resume for pre-set parameters but allows reading in between the lines.

Over reliance and exposure of this system has resulted in a job delay for users that are not lucky enough to fit into the criteria despite changing and shifting resumes for the specific job. There is little to no improvement in terms of machine learning from the software management firms and absolute uncertainty for the future of the job market. However, the expected growth of the industry from a $1.75 million 4 years ago to $3.5 million in 4 years allows the applicants to rest on a safe palette as nine out of the ten executives highlighted during the survey that they are aware of the discrepancy and looking for alternate ways. The existence of the need for alternative ways can serve the industry to invest into research and development to improve or to loose the value all together.

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