Apple makes changes in its App Store policies which will allow some developers to use external payment systems

Apple has long been caught in the many scandals and has been dragged to court numerous times because of being claimed as a monopolist company. This is because of the reason that Apple does not let developers present on its App Store make out of app payments despite the developers paying a good 30 percent of commission to Apple.

The company for the longest time has been strict about their policy of not letting any developer to leverage external payment systems and while it has been called out many times for this, Apple has always stayed firm on this decision.

Well, until this week at least.

This week Apple announced that it will now allow developers of reading applications insert a redirecting link to websites or other sources through which their users or readers can make out of application subscription payments or payments for other various purposes.

This came out as a shock to the developers in the mobile world and to the users as well because one thing no one expected from Apple was go against a policy they have always been so strict about.

However, the shock was replaced by belief when Japan Fait Trade Commission (JFTC) confirmed the media on Wednesday that Apple earlier this week had agreed to bring slight changes in their policy for out of app payments and hence will now allow reading application developers to charge users through other sources as well.

According to Apple the reader applications specifically means applications which provide subscription for digital magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music, and video. The question is as to why Apple decided to take this step after all these years?

Well, Apple in their statement wrote that the company is only allowing reading developers to make out of app payments because their application do not provide any other in app digital goods or services for purchase.

The company has stated that the new changes in the policy will go live next year in 2022 and only then applications will be able to make out of app payments.

This is a really considerate step from Apple and quite a beneficial one for all reading developers.

However, the question stands what while Apple has allowed reading app developers to make out of app payments, will it ever in the near future implement this decision on other developers and their applications as well.

This seems unlikely now and the possibility of this happening is next to none. However, we cannot say much when it comes to Apple because who knows what the company might do when.

Read next: Apple to be potentially affected by China's newest anti-addiction gaming policies
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