Which apps secured the top 15 positions in usage in the United States in 2021?

The inventions of smartphone have brought a drastic change in how we live our lives now compared to what they were before.

While mobile phones sets have been present for a long time, the drastic changes and development in smartphones is what astonishes us the most because with one simple device in your hand you can access multiple applications and various functions.

Hence over the years, many companies developed their applications for mobile users considering the rising popularity and now it is an integral part of our life. With the applications being used, there has to be one application used the most right? And to find that reports are concluded.

Now, all the applications compete with each other every month in becoming the most used application of the month and while the results vary, the US top crown was handed over to YouTube with 72 percent user reach.

The report for June 2021 was concluded by Com Score Mobile Matrix (put together in a chat by eMarketer) and included all Android and iOS users 18 plus of age.

While YouTube was in the lead, with a pretty big margin Facebook stood as runner up with 63 percent of usage and its Messenger Application hit a grand total of 48 percent along with Amazon Shopping standing at the same percentage.

Google's own search engine and application are an avid part of every mobile and specially those on Androids and the companies Maps, Mail and Search were noted with a calculated user percentage of 53,54 and 55 each respectively. Google Play had a user percentage of 41 while Photos and Drive were seen somewhere along the bottom of the Top 15 list with 30 and 29 percent respectively.

Some of Apple's own well known applications and functionalities also made the list with its Weather Channel hitting a solid 45 percent usage and Apple's Find My functionality and Apple News at a percentage of 39 and 32 respectively.

Instagram and Spotify had 39 and 31 percent of user usage.

What astonished us the most was the fact that WhatsApp the most used online messaging application for communication did not make it to the top 15 and while you wonder why, this maybe possibly because of the uncertainty and trust issues users had with WhatsApp at the beginning of the year. However, things can always be mended and who knows you might see it on the list next month.

While this report showed some well deserving names on the top of the chart, the statistics aren't stable and changes from month to month. Let's see how many among these manage to stay in the top 15 and move up and how many new names we see in the coming months.

Read next: How Many Websites Are There In 2021? (Chart)
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