Google sheets will now predict the formulas you want to use, making things far less complicated

Google has rolled out yet a new feature that will automatically suggest formulas and functions on the Google spreadsheet, making calculating and analyzing even simpler. It will make the assumption based on the data already present on your spreadsheet. Not only will the numbers be taken into account but also the labels you have placed.

The feature works really simply. The equals to sign, when entered, will show a pop-up box featuring the possible functions applicable to that data. Numbers will automatically be calculated to whatever formula you wish. For instance, if you enter a series of numbers in different cells then label the cells below as sum and average then when you place the equals to sign, the number above will be selected and the pop-up box will feature a sum formula for where the sum is placed. If the label is not present, both average and sum formulas will be shown. Furthermore, when you move on to the average cell, it won't select the sum cell but will work on the numbers allocated above.

How did Google get the spreadsheet to automatically analyze data? Well, according to the tech giant, a machine learning model was trained to analyze the patterns and functions. The model not only focuses on the numbers provided but the whole spreadsheet's data. For example, if you have a cell stating 'Total', you'll be shown the Sum function but when you remove it, you'll spot the average formula as well.

While both Excel and Spreadsheet have been lifesavers for everyone, with their ability to provide shortcuts whenever necessary, it is only a matter of time before something complex comes along and the automatic systems mess up. With this latest feature, we're not really sure to what lengths this will be able to stretch, but we do hope this one is a tad more flexible than the regular features.

Although the function isn't necessarily deemed important but considering all the time we'll save typing out 'SUM', there are some precious moments that we would definitely like to invest elsewhere. If you still don't see the feature as important, you can simply turn it off. Find the triple dot icon placed next to the formula in the pop-up box or navigate the Tools menu till you come across Enable formula suggestions. Both these will help you turn the feature off so you could go on with your analyzing again. The turning off could prove to be a handy feature with complex functions where this feature is bound to mess up, or maybe not, but we'll see.

The feature is now available on G suite, Workspace, and all Google accounts and will be on your screen as well in no later than 14 days.

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