Google Is Experimenting With the Rating Feature For Sellers In Organic Search Results

Google issues a lot of features for testing purposes, but the one feature that the tech giant is testing on now is something relatively out of the blue and what we did not expect.

Google as a part of its testing phase has combined the search features of both its organic and paid searches and will now be introducing the business seller ratings on the organic searches. A feature which was prior to this test was only limited to the paid searches.

The purpose of this feature is to enlighten the searchers about a particular brands’ selling rate on Google and the experiment of this feature on the free search listings was first brought to notice by Brodie Clark who apparently passed on the credit of discovery, claiming he found about this feature through a guy named Brian Freiesleben.

Though this feature is currently only in its initial phase, the official launch of it will bring some great news for the search engine and marketers. The main reason for this clearly happens to be that this feature is from a paid version and now if it is launched in the normal searches as well, it will benefit a lot of users before trusting brands with their purchase decisions. Apart from this, this will also be beneficial for authentic information of brands sale, though most of the times users do find ratings on Google organic search despite the fact that the new feature is not available, which is because if websites use a particular markup they can easily generate a selling rate for their application/product.

What should be kept in mind is that despite retailers not knowing about their seller ratings, any seller who has a product feed uploaded to Google Merchant Center can potentially have a seller rating on the website.

So in case you are retailer you should have enough information on how to calculate these ratings and just in case you don’t know, it’s okay, what are we here for then.

To find your seller rating from a specific country all you have to do is type in this URL: and replace the part with your own URL name. Once you press on search and the loading completes you will get all the data you need to know about your store and the seller ratings.

This information can be brought down to the minute details of each country as well which will help retailers to gather information what changes they can bring in their way of selling according to different countries.

The feature is still in its testing phase and may take a while before it is announced globally for all organic users.

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