Survey conducted to reveal the consumption of third party apps globally for voice calling

Social media platforms and other third party applications have played an important role in connecting people belonging to other regions . Previously, contacting someone who lives abroad used to be expensive as the charges for a single call were so high. But after applications such as Google hangouts and WhatsApp became available, these international dialing have become very common.

According to a recent observation carried out including 17 emerging global markets such as Spain, France, India, UAE and Indonesia, third party applications such as Facebook owned WhatsApp and Google owned Google Hangouts has been preferred by the users for making calls. This is because calling from a third party service is comparatively more cheaper then mobile network provider.

However, situation is not the same for everyone, unlike Italy, Indonesia and India where the rate of the daily usage of these applications is very frequent because of the cheaper rates for mobile data, meanwhile for United Arab Emirates and Mexico, the date charges are high but so is the consumption rate for these 2 applications.

Out of the 17 international markets who took part in the survey, 23% of these consumers belonging to the global markets preferred Google Hangouts and WhatsApp for their calls very often. While the other half still agreed on the use of these two applications but now very frequently. However for the United States, 46% of the users didn’t prefer WhatsApp or Google Hangouts as their calling medium. This is because in US, users prefer sticking up with their mobile plans since it is more budget friendly for them. And unlike United States, 40% of the users belonging to United Kingdom used these third party apps, but not very often.

With 5G service available at the door, a further decline for the phone calls is expected as other third party applications such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams has also showed their potential, as during the covid-19 pandemic, where everything shifted online, giving rise to work from home, these two applications became the central hub for managing online meetings, even for some major businesses as well. This is because not only these calls are more cheaper, but they also provide many other assisting features .

Hence it can be expected that telecom services will be offering mobile data packages only for areas that are well covered with mobile network in near future.

H/T: YouGov.
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