Twitter has now allowed its users to add stickers to their Fleets

In November of 2020, Twitter rolled out a new feature for its users called ‘Fleets’, the concept of Fleets is quite similar to Instagram stories and Snapchat stories. It is a way for users and content creators to post their content only for a time frame of 24 hours. Snapchat is an app that is based solely upon these stories and the social media platform got widely popular all around the world because of it, following this was Instagram with its Instagram stories and while many thought that this feature will go to waste and will not receive much popularity, Instagram proved them wrong as Insta stories are a huge means for users and also content creators to post their content on and earn money. With Twitter also releasing something of this sort, the multinational tech giant is always coming up with new features for Fleets.

It has been recently reported, that Twitter is planning on to allow its users to add stickers to its Fleets feature. The social media platform announced the new update through its Twitter Support account and has also made the feature available for both iOS and Android users.

According to Twitter Support, its users can add animated stickers to their fleets by tapping onto the smiley face icon on the bottom row of their screens. The users can view a full collection of animated stickers made by Twitter and Twemojis (emojis developed by Twitter) after tapping onto that smiley face icon. They will also be able to see a full collection of GIFs after searching for something in specific on the search bar at the top of the screen. This is obviously only the start to what Twitter must have planned for Fleets for their users.

Twitter is on a roll, it was just last month that it was reported that Twitter is planning onto launch Twitter Spaces by April of this year, which will be a replica of Clubhouse that features invite only audio chat rooms but the only difference is that Twitter will make this available for both iOS and Android users while Clubhouse is an app only for iOS devices. It is on the news that the social media company has actually been testing Spaces since last year. The company is busy these days onto perfecting it as Twitter really wants it users to be able to use Spaces till April of 2021.

Read next: Twitter to soon release a Facebook-inspired Groups feature called ‘Community’, that will allow users to share their tweets with only a selected pool of audience
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