Anytime I’d have to pay a dollar for feeling not-so-beautiful or according to the “standards” set by society, I’d be a millionaire by now. One of the most popular social media platforms is Instagram. Millions of people post pictures of themselves almost every day on their Instagram.
I’m sure you guys will agree with me on this. Whenever we’re scrolling through our feed we look at tons of influencers or celebrities with their flawless nose, jawline, lips, body shape, skin, and whatnot. Sooner or later we tend to look at ourselves in the mirror to see if we’re as pretty as them. And most of the time we’re disappointed.
Because we don’t look a certain way. What we don’t acknowledge is that celebrities’ and influencers’ pictures go through tons of Photoshop editing and filters. Instead of belittling ourselves, we should be aware of this and right now I’m going to do that for you.
You can make a difference in society as well if you have a huge fan following on your Instagram, and if you don’t, there are tons of Instagram growth service websites available to help you with that, so you can raise your voice too.

According to the picture, we can see that his shirt is completely doused with rain. However, if you take a look at his hair, they are entirely dry. The guy wanted to expose his shredded body, but he was too busy tuning his abs and scorned his hair. Terrible, isn't it?
This photo doesn't make any sense at all. It's simply ridiculous to post your pictures like this and expecting that your audience won't pay heed to it.

But, these deplorable people need to understand that the audience is shrewd about mainstream activities. Traveling is seriously not a joke, and your close friends and supporters can quickly identify whether it is true or not.

It’s not a big deal to have unique white veneers but stalking his previous captured photos tells us that his teeth differ notably.

I’m sure you guys will agree with me on this. Whenever we’re scrolling through our feed we look at tons of influencers or celebrities with their flawless nose, jawline, lips, body shape, skin, and whatnot. Sooner or later we tend to look at ourselves in the mirror to see if we’re as pretty as them. And most of the time we’re disappointed.
Because we don’t look a certain way. What we don’t acknowledge is that celebrities’ and influencers’ pictures go through tons of Photoshop editing and filters. Instead of belittling ourselves, we should be aware of this and right now I’m going to do that for you.
You can make a difference in society as well if you have a huge fan following on your Instagram, and if you don’t, there are tons of Instagram growth service websites available to help you with that, so you can raise your voice too.
Kylie Jenner – The plump lips trendsetter
How badly did you want to get your lips injected because of Kylie’s beautiful, luscious lips? Well, at least I did, but thank heavens I didn’t. The pictures that are posted on their social media accounts are mostly first approved by their managers or advisors. They are photoshopped to look their best and here comes the reality then:For the BOYS out there
We need to normalize that boys also go through this societal pressure of not having that perfectly toned and buff body. Whether it’s the magazines to blame or the social media, we are not shown the real image of celebrities. In the picture below you can see his flawlessly-photoshopped muscular arms and back:Normalize Acne
Every single soul on this planet goes through puberty and during this process most of them get acne. When will we realize that it’s part of growing up? Celebrities also feel pressured to be the “perfect image” in front of the world. That’s why they either wear tons of makeup to cover up their acne or Photoshop becomes their life-saver.Having that “Dream Body”
Why is only being slim thin considered beautiful? What about the rest of the people who are perfectly curvy who society calls, “fat and ugly”. Or even when they don’t, their Instagram pictures put unrealistic expectations on the people who may be going through a lot mentally. Just look at the poor Photoshop job done below, it’s about time that we stop idolizing such influencers.Awful Photoshop
Right now, you're looking at one of the most skeptical photos on the list. Many followers bashed him, and he was subjected to critics for a long time.According to the picture, we can see that his shirt is completely doused with rain. However, if you take a look at his hair, they are entirely dry. The guy wanted to expose his shredded body, but he was too busy tuning his abs and scorned his hair. Terrible, isn't it?
This photo doesn't make any sense at all. It's simply ridiculous to post your pictures like this and expecting that your audience won't pay heed to it.
Why Travel When you can Fake It
Fake traveling has become an emerging trend on Instagram known as “Fakeationing”. Why even move a bit when you can travel from the comfort of your home? These photos are uploaded to stir up envy among your best friends. Those who can't afford to travel or by any means, they are usually fond of digitally altering images.But, these deplorable people need to understand that the audience is shrewd about mainstream activities. Traveling is seriously not a joke, and your close friends and supporters can quickly identify whether it is true or not.
Teeth Brighter than My Destiny
Are you wondering how he managed to get such shiny teeth? Well, I'm about to end your curiosity. These teeth are properly tweaked through editing software. That's why it has become pretty hard to identify. Definitely, editors deserve appreciation, bagging a couple of dollars by just buffing the teeth. With that said, the wink gives an instant indication that these are superficial.It’s not a big deal to have unique white veneers but stalking his previous captured photos tells us that his teeth differ notably.