Google Chrome Is Finally Getting New Versions and Updates on iOS After Four Months

Google is known to push updates on its web browser and refresh it every six weeks but due to some reasons the Apple iPhones and iPads were not updated for the past 4 months.

However, that is changing now as Google Chrome is releasing its new versions back on iOS again. The Google Chrome updates for the Apple devices resumed back in February and have been going on until last month. The company when did not update Google on the iOS devices for four months missed out on two major updates that are version 89 released in January and version 88 released in March but since Apple devices did not go through these updates Google has updated the version 87 on iOS devices with version 87.0.4280 to be more precise which is older than the two newer versions.

The update will merely be focusing on fixing bugs however no major issues have been observed in its update since last November and Google is now expected to release their version 90 of an update next week on all working devices and hence Google Chrome for iOS will catch up with the features.

One report suggested that Google is also testing Touch ID and Face ID to protect the open tabs on incognito so that no one else can make use or see your data when you are not present. Apart from this feature Google has also made changes for the App privacy feature for Chrome on the Apple App Store in the coming weeks. Under the “Data Linked to You” section, “App Functionality” now includes your “Name”. This is for the Google Pay in Chrome to requires that specific detail in order to complete a transaction. Apart from this, Crash Data and Customer Support features are being moved under the “Not linked to You” sections.

These changes prove with evidence that Google says that it will regularly assess our data needs in order to ensure that they are only collecting data that is necessary to provide and develop useful products and features while reminding that App Privacy labels state that the maximum categories of data that could be collected. The actual data collection depends on what features, like Chrome Sync for password management and bookmarks, are enabled by end users.

Google has always managed to provide the best updates and even if it did not update to the iOS devices in four months for its own reasons we sure do know that its latest update will be top notch as it has always provided its users with the best it has to offer.

Read next: Google Chrome Will Remember Tab Groups and Webpages Under Them, Allowing Users To Easily Restore Closed Ones From History
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