Shopify Adds Shop Pay Tool To Both Facebook And Instagram Purchases

Shopify is opening its doors to the wider e-commerce marketplace by making it's own Shop Pay tool built for online transactions, available across Facebook and Instagram.

Shopify is an online marketplace, specifically catering to retailers, that's quickly gaining online traction. With services such as facilitating payments, shipping orders, marketing, and a slew of other customer service tools, the company has more or less made itself a central hub catering to any and all sorts of online business and transactions. And unlike the case with Venmo, those transactions don't have to be projected on to an very public platform, sparing much head-scratching over captions of choice and second hand embarrassment.

Shopify's gone on to expand from an online website to both hosting it's own API and app store, while also making the move to mobile devices in the form of an app. And while building upon one's own venue is always nice, expanding into other territory comes with it's own benefits. In a form of Product News on its website, Shopify's added an entire blog post talking about its integration of business from the likes of Facebook and Instagram. Accompanied by a very helpful 15 second video guide, the post goes on to establish that the company's Shop Pay feature is now available on purchases across the aforementioned social media platforms.

For those unfamiliar, Shop Pay works much like a version of online Visa and debit cards, but boasts a higher amount of user security due to measures such as safety pins and the like. It's integration means that retail buyers can easily spot something that catches their interest and purchase it both quickly and safely. A fair deal, what with online hacking reaching boiling levels. In fact, numerous Facebook accounts were recently spotted on a Telegram bot which allowed users to purchase their respective phone numbers. Clever? Maybe. Highly dangerous and illegal? Ding!

At any rate, controversies from the likes of Facebook shouldn't impede the growth of Shopify. E-commerce, an already burgeoning field, was kicked into high gear during the COVID-19 pandemic, as users actively started relying on online purchases for both luxuries, as well as day-to-day business. Shop Pay itself was responsible for over 137 million orders across 2020, proving itself to be a lucrative product. Not a bad number for a feature launched only 3 years prior in 2017.

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