The latest privacy policy notice informed WhatsApp users about its new measure to share the WhatsApp user data with Facebook. The overview about the new changes in policy were given in three summarized points that covered how WhatsApp processes the users’ data, how businesses can manage and store their chat by using Facebook hosted services and how WhatsApp will now partner with Facebook to offer deeper integrations across the Facebook Company Products.
According to the news, the data will be shared among Facebook and its several subsidiaries which will include your account registration information, your phone number, transaction data, service related information and information on how you interact with other people, IP address and other information all which will be provided to Facebook, while this new policy is built around the announcement from July 2020 the previous policy however did not allow any such thing and maintained user privacy by not allowing any user data to be shared with Facebook.
Users were first informed about these changes on 6th January and are expected to conform to the new rules till February 8th 2021. Users who accept the new terms and conditions, there WhatsApp will work perfectly fine as it used to while those who do not accept the new policy will not be able to use WhatsApp until and unless the new terms and conditions are accepted.

The new policy will help both WhatsApp and Facebook. Wondering how?
Well, WhatsApp claims that this new terms and condition will help in dive deeper into Facebooks’ family of products and provide a consistent experience for its users while according to Facebook the shared data will help it achieve its larger goals. It will be easier for them to link you to your products and ads of preference and personalizing features and content. It will also be easier for them to link you with people and groups of your interest or you might know, however this still raises a lot of concerns among the public about their data being shared without them knowing.
This is a completely different approach taken by Facebook as from what it had promised its users back when it bought WhatsApp for 19 billion dollars. It had promised the public assuring its users that their data would not be shared with the larger company and privacy would be maintained, however it failed to do so.
#WhatsApp New privacy policy changes help them to collect " messaging, calling, Status, groups (including group name, group picture, group description), payments or business features; profile photo, "about" information, your last seen" .
— Selvadurai Muthupachaiyappan ❁ (@selvaduraimuthu) January 5, 2021
#WhatsApp has updated its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Important and Privacy affecting terms to note in this update.
— Free Software Foundation Tamil Nadu (FSFTN) (@FSFTamilnadu) January 6, 2021
1. You grant #WhatsApp a royalty-free, transferable license to use, reproduce and derive works from data you upload, send, etc. (1/5)
New update on privacy policy of WhatsApp be like...#WhatsappPrivacy #Telegram #WhatsappNewPolicy
— Versha Chaudhary (@Vershaposts) January 7, 2021
In new @WhatsApp privacy policy, data sharing to @Facebook has been made mandatory.
— Rajesh Tiwari (@RajeshT37437692) January 6, 2021
They collect, number, contacts, location, Device ID, user ID, purchase history, Payment info and everything else on your phone.
Is privacy a really myth now? 🤔
Everyone is complaining about Facebook’s shady #WhatsApp because of the new privacy policy when the MUCH BETTER @telegram EXISTS. #SWITCHTOTELEGRAM
— Francisco Olvera (@franciscorawr) January 6, 2021
User's privacy and data in #WhatsApp
— Rehaan 🔰 (@sarcastiqlonda) January 6, 2021
be like :
Bye Bye #WhatsApp #WhatsappNewPolicy it's time for us to move to an app with better privacy policy. Please join us making this possible
— Mayo Agri India (@MayoAgriIndia) January 7, 2021
*Whatsapp update new privacy policy*
— Pulkit🥳/// (@sarcasticyadav_) January 7, 2021
*Meanwhile Telegram-:
Read next: WhatsApp New Update Hints At What It's Planning To Introduce On The App