No one would be lying if they say that Apple at the moment has one of the most popular and largest AR platforms in the world. AR, abbreviation for Augmented Reality is something which carries out a stream of endless and eye catching experience that very easily blends the virtual objects with the real world. Wherever AR is used, it imparts three-dimensional virtual objects making the user into believing that such illusions created are actually real.
There are countless benefits of Augmented Reality, it increases the interaction and allows a much significant experience. AR tends to increase the considerable value of products as shown by recent research. AR is found to be over shadowed by virtual reality (VR) but it won’t be long before AR steals the full show. AR programs if well planned and executed can bring forward a great response from brands that think and plan for the future.
When talking about AR, how can we not include Apple’s huge investment in Augmented Reality? It is reported that Apple is set about having its plans to launch its first Augmented Reality headset in 2022 followed by the release of AR glasses in 2023. Recently it came to knowledge that the Apple AR headsets games will be able to use face ID to identify the players properly. The overall gaming experience can be boring for the players if they don’t get to change their appearance for the game, but apple disapproves of this. It says that altering appearances when playing can bring forward some unwanted issues, so apple has been granted the right on the means of preventing the players from changing their appearance by the inventors.
If someone is playing in an outside environment, the device along with giving a CGR experience (chaos game representation) will allow the appearance of the people to be changed. For example, if more than one person is playing the game the outside players other than the user can be presented as monsters, but in various situations it can be considered as undesirable for the people involved with the overall CGR experience, this may bring unwanted changes for a user’s child and may risk its safety.
Basically what Apple has planned for its users is that when a person will enter a multi-player game or even a one on one game, in a CGR environment, the player will be identified. No one will be allowed to change their identity or they can get excluded from the game.
However, it also depends on whether the player is looking for a CGR experience or an AR one in which you’re seeing a mixture of real and virtual objects. The inventors are mostly looking into for identifying the users in a CGR environment. The basic start to this would be to identify the players by their usernames. Apple says that the method would include detecting any person or any image on the screen, similarly to how Face ID works. Each player that will enter the game can be identified the same way that Photos recognizes face. The inventors have also discussed about an alternative plan, which includes that whoever is to enter the same, the user will have to identify them to as to either allow them in the game or not allow them to change their appearance.

There are countless benefits of Augmented Reality, it increases the interaction and allows a much significant experience. AR tends to increase the considerable value of products as shown by recent research. AR is found to be over shadowed by virtual reality (VR) but it won’t be long before AR steals the full show. AR programs if well planned and executed can bring forward a great response from brands that think and plan for the future.
When talking about AR, how can we not include Apple’s huge investment in Augmented Reality? It is reported that Apple is set about having its plans to launch its first Augmented Reality headset in 2022 followed by the release of AR glasses in 2023. Recently it came to knowledge that the Apple AR headsets games will be able to use face ID to identify the players properly. The overall gaming experience can be boring for the players if they don’t get to change their appearance for the game, but apple disapproves of this. It says that altering appearances when playing can bring forward some unwanted issues, so apple has been granted the right on the means of preventing the players from changing their appearance by the inventors.
If someone is playing in an outside environment, the device along with giving a CGR experience (chaos game representation) will allow the appearance of the people to be changed. For example, if more than one person is playing the game the outside players other than the user can be presented as monsters, but in various situations it can be considered as undesirable for the people involved with the overall CGR experience, this may bring unwanted changes for a user’s child and may risk its safety.
Basically what Apple has planned for its users is that when a person will enter a multi-player game or even a one on one game, in a CGR environment, the player will be identified. No one will be allowed to change their identity or they can get excluded from the game.
However, it also depends on whether the player is looking for a CGR experience or an AR one in which you’re seeing a mixture of real and virtual objects. The inventors are mostly looking into for identifying the users in a CGR environment. The basic start to this would be to identify the players by their usernames. Apple says that the method would include detecting any person or any image on the screen, similarly to how Face ID works. Each player that will enter the game can be identified the same way that Photos recognizes face. The inventors have also discussed about an alternative plan, which includes that whoever is to enter the same, the user will have to identify them to as to either allow them in the game or not allow them to change their appearance.