Microsoft Looks Towards Improving Editor Experience For Its Users

Microsoft has recently announced updates and new tools coming to their Editor feature, across both Word and Outlook.

Chances are, many readers have currently paused to wonder what application Editor. Well, if you've ever used a typing program such as Word on a Microsoft product, you've already encountered it. Editor is a built-in feature available on Word and Outlook that's responsible for suggesting edits to a user's work. Ranging from spelling errors to grammatical mistakes to re-phrasings, it's here to help the Microsoft community make the best out of it's written work. If readers are still confused, an easy visual reminder is the familiar red squiggly line that accompanies a spelling error. Yes, that's Editor hard at work.

With developer Shruthi Ramesh updating the Office Insider blog, we have a proper comprehension of changes that are lined up to come. Most of them involve the addition of cues to suggested edits, giving users choices between the potential changes they can make.

People familiar with using Word online will easily recognize the prompts that pop up, highlighting errors, and offering replacements with definitions and such. Individuals using Word offline will be familiar with the same window pane popping up by using the command Shift with F10. Now, with this latest update, Microsoft's looking to tweak the entire process and make it more accessible to writers looking for faster and more relevant responses.

The Editor suggestions for highlighted words and sentences will now be easily accessed via simply clicking on them with either the right or the left mouse button. While the Shift and F10 command will still be available for veterans already familiar with the setting, this new setting makes Editor so much more responsive for users unfamiliar with the prompts or even those new to the concept.

In addition to this, Editor will also now offer a more simplified view of the suggestions panel, with edits that are more relevant in context taking priority. For a more comprehensive view, users will be able to easily click on categories provided by the panel, and have it expand.

The Insider blog further offers that Microsoft is aiming for a simpler, more mouse-click based interface to offer its writers. They also aim to offer more contextual edits to users, with edits attempting to resemble something closer to the sentence they're correcting.

With Editor not cluttering up one's screen when called upon, and a simpler interface only relying on the default left mouse click, writers can instinctively and seamlessly go from editing to writing. This edit, while only being available to Current Channel users, is expected to roll out for Windows and Mac soon.

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