Google kills off its apps for simple reasons: Innovation and profits

Google may have been a company that has a humble past, beginning from a garage, but it has now become one of the major tech companies that dominate more than half of our digital world. We are extremely reliant on its various products, be it Gmail, or Google Search, Maps, Google Drive, Photos, etc. Even Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides have become quite popular. And it is not like these apps or products are unique or one-of-its-own-kind. Other tech companies like Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, etc. are also there that are bringing new and sometimes better products in the market; some providing similar functionality as what Google’s products do. Like Microsoft Office’s Word, Excel, PowerPoint are almost like Google’s Docs, Sheets, and Slides. These companies are all in direct competition and they are all here to stay and to do business.

So, as long as the world is all digitalized, these tech companies will continue bringing new products as per the demand of the users. However, sometimes these companies kill off some of their apps and products too. Now, we know which products Google has killed over all these years despite their popularity, but we often do not think of the reason behind Google’s or any other company’s decision to kill off an app.

Some of the most obvious reasons or methods by which Google ends a product are:

The product provided a very good functionality, but it was not being used much. Since it lacked popularity, it did not contribute to Google’s overall revenue. Therefore, Google decides to kill it off.

Another reason is that Google kills its product but uses the same idea with some improvements to launch another product like that. For example, the Inbox was pretty decent, but Google ended it and instead launched another Gmail client for a similar purpose but better functionality. Now, Gmail apps are famous all over Android, iOS, and the web.

Sometimes Google uses the ‘merger’ method. For example, Google combined the Google Reader with Google News and Google Weather, and all the merged-up product that we use so frequently now is Google News.

Some products transform into proper and hugely revenue-generating apps from initial smaller projects. Like Project Fi has now turned into Google Fi. Similarly, previously what used to be Google Now has turned into Google Assistant.

Some products just die and never get a chance of revival or transformation as it happened with Google+ (a social media layer by the tech giant).

Apps like Google Tez that were for India only gained a lot of popularity, but the competitors’ payment apps were far better and more universal. So, despite popularity, Google killed it off and instead turned it into Google Pay.

No matter which method or reason Google adopts, one of the key points in all these changes is that Google wants to continue expanding and making profits out of its products. It cannot afford to sit back and relax after launching an app or product. If something is not working in its favor, then the company has to quickly take an action. Otherwise, the competitors will get a chance to move ahead in this race!

People get very anxiously concerned if Google will kill their favorite products too.

There are high chances because Google is not a charity company. It will see where its profits lie. If your favorite service isn’t generating enough money or if it requires some innovations, then be prepared that it also may get killed.

Read next: Google Releases Shopping Guide of Most Searched Products
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