Google Docs Is Finally Rolling Out Smart Compose For Android User

Near the start of 2020, Google introduced a new feature in Google Docs that created quite a buzz. This new feature was the Smart Compose feature, and the way it worked was that it would help prevent you from making grammatical, spelling or syntax errors in your document. This was essentially a way to incorporate Auto Correct into Google Docs which was something that had been missing for quite some time now, and the fact of the matter is that Google wanted to add this feature but also improve upon it which lead to the rise of Smart Compose.

This feature expanded to other Google properties such as Slides and Sheets, but it was initially only available for users on desktop. With all of that having been said and out of the way, it is important to note that G Suite customers are going to be able to use this feature on Android phones as well after the rollout happens in a few weeks time. This is really going to expand the usability of these apps and help entice more and more users into taking advantage of them with particular emphasis being placed on drawing more users in since new features coming to mobile apps is something that would make G Suite seem like a much better option once all has been said and is now out of the way.

The fact of the matter is that one of the most important functions that Smart Compose fulfills has to do with suggesting relevant phrases based on the context of what you are writing. This can make the writing process a lot faster which can be immensely useful to a wide variety of people that are working in a lot of fields. The addition of this feature to G Suite apps will be a great way to help people make the most of them.

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