If you have ever been on the internet, which seems likely since you are reading this article right now, you have probably come across a few pictures that have blown your mind. These are pictures that look like they’re not even real, and if this thought has ever crossed your mind then you should realize that it’s actually pretty true if you think about it.
Most pictures you see online have been heavily edited, and this has created a bit of a crisis in the world of photography since anyone with Adobe Photoshop can create photographs and call them art even though a lot of the real artistic process didn’t really go into the work. While edited photos are an art form all on their own, when they are passed off as genuine this is a form of creative dishonesty that can create problems particularly among creative professionals.
Adobe is well aware of this problem and they are rolling out a system that can help identify whether or not a picture has been edited to a large degree. Later this year, a new version of Photoshop will be previewed that has this feature, and what’s more is that eventually this feature is going to end up being integrated into Behance as well.
This can help creative professionals advertise their work with honesty and can help them set themselves apart from the rest. The way this will work is that Adobe will add metadata tags to pictures that people create, and these tags will contain details about the editing work that was done. In order to prevent people from creating fake tags which is something that is eventually going to end up happening, each tag will be signed using cryptography which is going to be nearly impossible to forge in a realistic and convincing manner.

Photo: Adobe
Read next: Study: People Are More Likely To Believe Fake News Related To the Coronavirus If They Get Their News from Social Media Platforms
Most pictures you see online have been heavily edited, and this has created a bit of a crisis in the world of photography since anyone with Adobe Photoshop can create photographs and call them art even though a lot of the real artistic process didn’t really go into the work. While edited photos are an art form all on their own, when they are passed off as genuine this is a form of creative dishonesty that can create problems particularly among creative professionals.
Adobe is well aware of this problem and they are rolling out a system that can help identify whether or not a picture has been edited to a large degree. Later this year, a new version of Photoshop will be previewed that has this feature, and what’s more is that eventually this feature is going to end up being integrated into Behance as well.
This can help creative professionals advertise their work with honesty and can help them set themselves apart from the rest. The way this will work is that Adobe will add metadata tags to pictures that people create, and these tags will contain details about the editing work that was done. In order to prevent people from creating fake tags which is something that is eventually going to end up happening, each tag will be signed using cryptography which is going to be nearly impossible to forge in a realistic and convincing manner.

Photo: Adobe
Read next: Study: People Are More Likely To Believe Fake News Related To the Coronavirus If They Get Their News from Social Media Platforms