Many people love to put their pets on social media. And it makes sense, after all we love our little furry friends dearly. Of course, they’re also great for those who are looking to get more outreach for their business or online presence. Read on for some great reasons to make sure an animal is featured front and center on your next post!
We’re talking from jumping spiders to frogs to deer. And… each has a relatively stable demographic if you’re willing to learn about them.
That means you can target the animal people in your target audience with a little bit of animal addition. Go dig a bit and see what you can find, there’s a group for everything and animals are an easy way to engage your audience.
Speaking of which...
And while an “aw…” over the office cat may not seem relevant to your business, it does increase your overall social media signals. A signal boost is never a bad thing and if you’re clever you may actually have people happy to see your ads.
Boosted visibility is never a bad thing, and the truth is that animals are always going to start bringing in an audience for you. Just make sure that it’s the right one for your product.

On top of that, it will raise visibility both online and in the local area. The more people who know who you are(and that you’re saving animals!), the larger your potential customer base. It may not generate as many leads immediately, but the social credit that comes from helping out animals can get more eyes on you.
Just make sure to treat the subject properly. Doing this in a blatant, shady way can spark a social media storm.
On the other hand, no one is going to hate a long boi or a sassy tabby.
Indeed, the love of animals seems to be one of the few things that still bring people together. You can use that fact to get eyes on your project without risking controversy. You can just post them without worry.
The truth is that they appeal to everyone, and that’s never a bad thing. As long as you’re slick about implementation you’re in good hands with posting animal-related content.
It’s never a bad idea to see who else might be interested in what you’re posting. And if you tie things in properly, you may be just who the person thinks of when they need your service.
Dogs and cats are the best for this sort of outreach, which brings us to...

Animals have a way of garnering fame on the internet, and your pets could be the recipient.
All it takes is a solid social media strategy combined with some shots of your little guy or gal. The potential is nearly endless, some animal stars are even businesses on their own!
Tying your pet to your brand can be a winning combination. It may not be applicable in every industry, but getting your animal out there is a surefire way to get people going on social media. The lasting power will depend on you or your social media manager.
Building shareable posts centered on animals is easier than most things.
Sharing isn’t just great for getting your name out there either. It’s an excellent social signal booster. Any kind of engagement is a good thing, and animals make sharing more likely than nearly anything else.
Read next: Why Online Reviews Matter and How Businesses Can Improve Them (Infographics)
1. Animal People Are Everywhere
It seems that humans are hard-wired to love animals. While there’s always love for dogs and cats, those who aren’t familiar with social media groups might be surprised to know that there are groups dedicated to everything.We’re talking from jumping spiders to frogs to deer. And… each has a relatively stable demographic if you’re willing to learn about them.
That means you can target the animal people in your target audience with a little bit of animal addition. Go dig a bit and see what you can find, there’s a group for everything and animals are an easy way to engage your audience.
Speaking of which...
2. Animal Posts Receive More Engagement
Animal posts tend to receive more engagement.And while an “aw…” over the office cat may not seem relevant to your business, it does increase your overall social media signals. A signal boost is never a bad thing and if you’re clever you may actually have people happy to see your ads.
Boosted visibility is never a bad thing, and the truth is that animals are always going to start bringing in an audience for you. Just make sure that it’s the right one for your product.

3. Tie-in to a Rescue for Social “Points”
It’s very easy to contact a rescue and see what you can do to help through your advertisements. Even if it’s just the occasional link, you’ll be helping animals in a big way.On top of that, it will raise visibility both online and in the local area. The more people who know who you are(and that you’re saving animals!), the larger your potential customer base. It may not generate as many leads immediately, but the social credit that comes from helping out animals can get more eyes on you.
Just make sure to treat the subject properly. Doing this in a blatant, shady way can spark a social media storm.
4. They’re Uncontroversial
Animals aren’t really the host to any controversy. They’re a safe bet, and in these divided times it’s not a bad idea to tread a little carefully. Entire businesses have been ruined by a bad post.On the other hand, no one is going to hate a long boi or a sassy tabby.
Indeed, the love of animals seems to be one of the few things that still bring people together. You can use that fact to get eyes on your project without risking controversy. You can just post them without worry.
5. A Broader Audience
While some groups of animal lovers are a specific demographic, the truth is that posts that contain animals are able to reach an exceptionally broad audience.The truth is that they appeal to everyone, and that’s never a bad thing. As long as you’re slick about implementation you’re in good hands with posting animal-related content.
It’s never a bad idea to see who else might be interested in what you’re posting. And if you tie things in properly, you may be just who the person thinks of when they need your service.
Dogs and cats are the best for this sort of outreach, which brings us to...
6. Your Pets Can be Stars

Animals have a way of garnering fame on the internet, and your pets could be the recipient.
All it takes is a solid social media strategy combined with some shots of your little guy or gal. The potential is nearly endless, some animal stars are even businesses on their own!
Tying your pet to your brand can be a winning combination. It may not be applicable in every industry, but getting your animal out there is a surefire way to get people going on social media. The lasting power will depend on you or your social media manager.
7. They’re Shareable
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from social media, it’s the fact that people love to share content. Animals are among the most frequently shared, there’s just something about them that makes people want their friends to see.Building shareable posts centered on animals is easier than most things.
Sharing isn’t just great for getting your name out there either. It’s an excellent social signal booster. Any kind of engagement is a good thing, and animals make sharing more likely than nearly anything else.
Social Media is Better with Animals
It doesn’t matter what route you choose to go: animals are a great win on social media. If you’re planning on running a campaign they definitely bear some consideration, so keep that in mind as you plan out your content. Fuzzy posts lead to better engagement, it’s a simple(and fun) boost for your social media channels.Read next: Why Online Reviews Matter and How Businesses Can Improve Them (Infographics)