Recently, Twitter punned to add on a new feature of editing, which has been the topmost demand of the users for a long time. Twitter's CEO Jack Dorsey recently replied to the recurrent queries of users and claimed that they desire to keep the feelings of the people from those golden days when they used to use this application as a message sending service.
However, Twitter's official account tweeted that if you want an edit button on Twitter, then everyone has to wear a mask without any exception, including the government officials and also the civilians. Importantly, Twitter has gained notable popularity and have a vast number of users throughout the world. So, a decision of spreading awareness through such platforms while manifesting the users with this kindness is inspirable.
Due to the prevailing COVID-19 outbreak that has flared up during the last few months and calls for a proper precautionary follow up Medical health workers are also stimulating the citizens to wear the mask in public places to avoid contact and minimize the number count of the victims.
With each passing day, the US has been reporting an increasing number of cases, and the tally is going higher and higher. Instead of such alarming conditions, people are not taking the precautions seriously, even the politicians are mocking this situation and are not treating it solemnly.
However, Donald Trump has imposed his likings for masks, but he disapproved of the idea of making the use of masks obligatory for everyone in public places.After acknowledging this, twitter has come up with this new innovative idea to pursue people to wear masks and handle this pandemic.
Apparently, Twitter and its CEO are trying their best to tackle the pandemic, Jack has donated a huge chunk of dollars for coronavirus relief funds globally, which are being distributed through his new start-up Startsmall LLC.
Following this, while considering the safety of the people worldwide, he came up with this idea of treating people with their most desired edit feature on Twitter but on one condition that all people should wear masks when they go out or experience any public meeting as, the usage of masks has been considered the most effective preventive measure against pulmonary related viral diseases.
However, this decision of adding an edit button seems to be a mere joke to pursue people to follow the precautions more convincingly as the concerned authorities have rejected this request of the people many times.
Likewise, Twitter has also confirmed through the tweet that it is not a trick. This shows that Twitter is again looking forward to adding this new feature but maybe it is only regarded to the case of handling with this pandemic.

Photo: Getty
Read next: This Unicode Cause Particular Characters To Glitch Major Tech Platforms
However, Twitter's official account tweeted that if you want an edit button on Twitter, then everyone has to wear a mask without any exception, including the government officials and also the civilians. Importantly, Twitter has gained notable popularity and have a vast number of users throughout the world. So, a decision of spreading awareness through such platforms while manifesting the users with this kindness is inspirable.
Due to the prevailing COVID-19 outbreak that has flared up during the last few months and calls for a proper precautionary follow up Medical health workers are also stimulating the citizens to wear the mask in public places to avoid contact and minimize the number count of the victims.
With each passing day, the US has been reporting an increasing number of cases, and the tally is going higher and higher. Instead of such alarming conditions, people are not taking the precautions seriously, even the politicians are mocking this situation and are not treating it solemnly.
However, Donald Trump has imposed his likings for masks, but he disapproved of the idea of making the use of masks obligatory for everyone in public places.After acknowledging this, twitter has come up with this new innovative idea to pursue people to wear masks and handle this pandemic.
Apparently, Twitter and its CEO are trying their best to tackle the pandemic, Jack has donated a huge chunk of dollars for coronavirus relief funds globally, which are being distributed through his new start-up Startsmall LLC.
Following this, while considering the safety of the people worldwide, he came up with this idea of treating people with their most desired edit feature on Twitter but on one condition that all people should wear masks when they go out or experience any public meeting as, the usage of masks has been considered the most effective preventive measure against pulmonary related viral diseases.
However, this decision of adding an edit button seems to be a mere joke to pursue people to follow the precautions more convincingly as the concerned authorities have rejected this request of the people many times.
Likewise, Twitter has also confirmed through the tweet that it is not a trick. This shows that Twitter is again looking forward to adding this new feature but maybe it is only regarded to the case of handling with this pandemic.

Photo: Getty
Read next: This Unicode Cause Particular Characters To Glitch Major Tech Platforms