SmartReply, finally made available to YouTubers to help respond to Fans

Google’s four-year-old Artificial Intelligence based technology, SmartReply is now being made available for YouTube Creators. The purpose of this is to suggest responses to messages in responses to messages received in Android’s Messages, Gmail, Play Developer Console, and elsewhere. Recently, Google announced that it will launch an updated version for SmartReply for YouTube Creators which will allow the content creators to quickly and easily interact with their fans in the comment section.

The feature is being launched on YouTube Studio, which the creators use to manage and maintain their YouTube presence, grow their channels, engage with their fans, and check their statistics (watch-time, views, etc.). YouTube Studio’s comment sections can be used by the creators so that they can view, filter, and respond to comments from across their channels.

Responding to comments and interacting with a large YouTube following can be very time consuming for creators such as PewDiePie (105 Million followers) for example. This is where SmartReply aims to help content creators.

Creators will be able to use suggested replies from SmartReply to respond to comments coming from their viewers instead of typing them themselves. If a viewer, for example, says something about wanting to know about what is coming next, the SmartReply feature will automatically suggest responses like “Stay tuned for more!” or “More to come!”

This SmartReply feature built for YouTube is different than that of the one designed for email. The email version of SmartReply has the technology to process words and short phrases, whereas the SmartReply designed for YouTube can process more assorted content like emojis, ASCII art, and company notes. YouTube commenters' comments often contain slang, abbreviated words, and inconsistent use of punctuation. This is one reason why it was so difficult for Google to implement the system on YouTube.

Google also comprehensively explained as to how it overcame such technical challenges on its AI Blog which was recently updated. Google also said that it wanted to develop a system where SmartReply only made suggestions when it was very likely that the creator would want to reply to the comment and when the feature has the ability to recommend a reasonable reply. For this to happen the system needs to be trained to recognize the comments that activate the feature.

According to Google SmartReply is the first Cross-lingual and Character byte-based version made available, and it is accessible for Spanish and English comments.

The company is positive that SmartReply can be made available for even more languages, due to the present strategy it is using.

Read next: YouTube Tests New Analytics Overview, That Will Help Creators To Get Better Insights About Their Content And Audience
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