If you try to think about people who might be cut off from the internet, what sort of group would come to your mind? You would likely think about senior citizens because of the fact that they are not very good at working technological items and so they choose to be away from the internet and all that it can end up providing them with. You might also think about people who are isolated from some way, shape or form, people that live in rural communities or developing countries.
However, recent research from Capgemini has indicated that 43% of the people that are not using the internet are younger than the age of 36, something that indicates that things are not quite as they seem. If you think about it there are actually a lot of different things that should ideally be kept in mind in this regard. Firstly one must try to understand the reasoning behind so many young people not using the internet, and for a lot of people it is the cost that prohibits them from getting the kind of internet usage they might actually end up wanting all in all.
Take a look at this infographic, titled "The Great DIGITAL DIVIDE: Why bringing the digitally excluded online should be a global priority" for more insights:

Read next: Analysis Reveals A Surge In Digital Activity and Social Media Growth Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
However, recent research from Capgemini has indicated that 43% of the people that are not using the internet are younger than the age of 36, something that indicates that things are not quite as they seem. If you think about it there are actually a lot of different things that should ideally be kept in mind in this regard. Firstly one must try to understand the reasoning behind so many young people not using the internet, and for a lot of people it is the cost that prohibits them from getting the kind of internet usage they might actually end up wanting all in all.
"Complexity of using the internet (36%) and a perceived “lack of interest” stemming from fear (38%) was also cited by certain segments of the offline population. These reasons mean that people are unable to access public services such as critical healthcare information as governments increasingly move to online resources.", revealed survey.The cost of devices themselves can be quite high and there is also the fact that data tariffs and ISP charges are so high that a lot of people simply cannot afford them. This is a truly shocking statistic to hear and it is the sort of thing that needs to be addressed because of the fact that access to the internet is no longer a luxury in any way, shape or form but in fact it is the sort of thing that is required in order to live a normal life making the deprivation of internet nothing short of a human rights violation in a lot of ways.
Take a look at this infographic, titled "The Great DIGITAL DIVIDE: Why bringing the digitally excluded online should be a global priority" for more insights:

Read next: Analysis Reveals A Surge In Digital Activity and Social Media Growth Amid Coronavirus Pandemic