Content Modelling 101: How and Where to Implement

Businesses can struggle with properly organizing information to complete a project. Because of this, businesses developed content models as a way to keep track of everything. This article will help you to understand how and when to implement a content model in your business.

Attributes of Content Modeling

When you create content models for your business, you need to consider the different attributes: they make up the parts of content models. When it comes to content modeling, you will use three major attributes.
  • Relationships and Modules: the different points of a model and how they relate to each other.
  • Packages and Items: each needed action and the smaller plans to finish those actions.
  • Setting: the location for each package.
Each of these points allows you to organize your content model in a way that lets you see all of the necessary actions you need to take and the order that you should accomplish them. As described by Contentful, “You can think of each content type as an outline for your content; it tells you what data will be contained within each individual entry. You can also think of the content type as the ‘stencil’ for the ‘drawing’ that will be your entry.

When to Use Content Modeling

You should use a content model for large projects that require organization. For example, if you want to organize a fundraiser, then you need to cover multiple points to organize it. This includes where you will do the fundraiser, how you will raise money, who needs to help out, and similar points.

If you need to keep track of multiple parts of the process, organize everything, and know when you should do each part, then your project will benefit from content modeling. It works as a great option for you to make sure that you cover everything necessary for a project to succeed.

In short, you should use content modeling for your projects when you need to know how to accomplish every task. This way, you can see the entire process and make sure that you complete the project.

How to Use Content Modeling

Content modeling works as a branching path: you see the major paths for the main points that you need to address and the parts that will lead you there. Let's go back to the fundraising example: you'll need to find a location, people to donate money, compensation for donations, and people to help you throughout the process.

These four points are your packages and you need to identify the items that will help you accomplish them. The items are the small steps that you need to take to finish each of your packages. For example, finding a location can include making phone calls, searching the city for different venues, reserving a place, and other similar points.

In short, content modeling helps you to see the whole picture and each action that you need to perform to finish a project.


You need to figure out how to use a content model if you want to effectively use it in your business. Doing so will help you to stay organized, figure out everything that you need for a project, and do so in an effective manner.

Illustration: Upklyak/Freepik

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