Marketers use various approaches to increase their sales all the time. But did you know how they play with your mind while selling their products?
Some of these interesting insights into successful marketers’ strategies unveiled by TitleMax are as follows:
If you reduce the left digit by one and write $3.99 instead of $4, you will be able to play with the psyche of a customer. It naturally happens that although, figuratively there is not much difference, yet when we see the price written like this, we subconsciously think that the difference is huge!
Focus on syllables when you are pricing your items. Psychologically, although people do not say the prices in the form of words and syllables, however, it has been noticed that prices with shorter phonetic syllables are perceived as cheap, despite them being higher! $2782 (Twenty-seven-eighty-two) has more syllables as compared to $2816 (Twenty-eight-sixteen), therefore, the customers tend to reach for the latter price more than the former, although it is higher!
Researchers have found that a comma makes the price look higher than it actually is. For example, $1699 looks cheaper than $1,699.
A well-designed, maze-like, and well-planned shop that follows the principle of Victor Gruen makes the customers go through each aisle and every section of the shop.
According to some researches, a subtle touch of a female salesperson and salespersons mimicking the gestures of the customer are likely to improve the chances of sales!
Words related to a small amount are more preferred by customers.
Prices shown in installments instead of as a lump sum are more likely to engage the customers.
Breaking the price to a small daily equivalence makes the product seem more affordable.
Customers are more likely to choose something with its price ending with an odd number that is right under an even whole number, like $2.97.
The visual contrast between the original and the sale price can make the sale price look more appealing.
Statements that create a false sense of urgency like “Limited stock,” or “Only two sets left” are more likely to make the customers forget their careful planning and rush to buy!
Maximizing the perceived size of the discount by putting large discount numbers on display also wins more customers.
Ditching the dollar sign while pricing things often helps with more sales.
By phasing out discounts and make the customers believe that if they miss another day of sale, they might not get any discount at all, merchandisers play the “disappointment” card to improve their business.
Targeting the millennials especially to nostalgia factor often works in favor of the marketers.
Men are more likely to buy something when its price is mentioned in “red.”
Focus on emotions rather than money!
Make your product appear difficult in manufacturing, and this psychologically justifies even a high price in the customer’s mind.
Put the “before price” of the retailers and the “after price” of your shop to lure more customers if it is legal in your country.
Employ the method of decoy pricing to improve the sales of the highest priced product.
Calm and slow music in the shops and restaurants makes the customers want to spend more time there.
Another extension of the Gruen Factor is to put all the staple items at the back of the shop, making the customers go all the way at the back while exploring everything else on the way.
Put up a bright, colorful, and cheerful entrance to the shop.
By employing arbitrary coherence, you can include an expensive item alongside a less expensive item. This will improve the sale of that cheaper item more.
Buy One Get One Free offers often compel the customers to end up paying more than intended.
Complimentary reviews, testimonials, and social proof play an important role in marketing.
Expose the customers to higher prices even if the products are completely unrelated.

Read next: Terms of Services - A Section Often Ignored Because of Its Length (infographic)
Some of these interesting insights into successful marketers’ strategies unveiled by TitleMax are as follows:
If you reduce the left digit by one and write $3.99 instead of $4, you will be able to play with the psyche of a customer. It naturally happens that although, figuratively there is not much difference, yet when we see the price written like this, we subconsciously think that the difference is huge!
Focus on syllables when you are pricing your items. Psychologically, although people do not say the prices in the form of words and syllables, however, it has been noticed that prices with shorter phonetic syllables are perceived as cheap, despite them being higher! $2782 (Twenty-seven-eighty-two) has more syllables as compared to $2816 (Twenty-eight-sixteen), therefore, the customers tend to reach for the latter price more than the former, although it is higher!
Researchers have found that a comma makes the price look higher than it actually is. For example, $1699 looks cheaper than $1,699.
A well-designed, maze-like, and well-planned shop that follows the principle of Victor Gruen makes the customers go through each aisle and every section of the shop.
According to some researches, a subtle touch of a female salesperson and salespersons mimicking the gestures of the customer are likely to improve the chances of sales!
Words related to a small amount are more preferred by customers.
Prices shown in installments instead of as a lump sum are more likely to engage the customers.
Breaking the price to a small daily equivalence makes the product seem more affordable.
Customers are more likely to choose something with its price ending with an odd number that is right under an even whole number, like $2.97.
The visual contrast between the original and the sale price can make the sale price look more appealing.
Statements that create a false sense of urgency like “Limited stock,” or “Only two sets left” are more likely to make the customers forget their careful planning and rush to buy!
Maximizing the perceived size of the discount by putting large discount numbers on display also wins more customers.
Ditching the dollar sign while pricing things often helps with more sales.
By phasing out discounts and make the customers believe that if they miss another day of sale, they might not get any discount at all, merchandisers play the “disappointment” card to improve their business.
Targeting the millennials especially to nostalgia factor often works in favor of the marketers.
Men are more likely to buy something when its price is mentioned in “red.”
Focus on emotions rather than money!
Make your product appear difficult in manufacturing, and this psychologically justifies even a high price in the customer’s mind.
Put the “before price” of the retailers and the “after price” of your shop to lure more customers if it is legal in your country.
Employ the method of decoy pricing to improve the sales of the highest priced product.
Calm and slow music in the shops and restaurants makes the customers want to spend more time there.
Another extension of the Gruen Factor is to put all the staple items at the back of the shop, making the customers go all the way at the back while exploring everything else on the way.
Put up a bright, colorful, and cheerful entrance to the shop.
By employing arbitrary coherence, you can include an expensive item alongside a less expensive item. This will improve the sale of that cheaper item more.
Buy One Get One Free offers often compel the customers to end up paying more than intended.
Complimentary reviews, testimonials, and social proof play an important role in marketing.
Expose the customers to higher prices even if the products are completely unrelated.

Read next: Terms of Services - A Section Often Ignored Because of Its Length (infographic)