This Self Destructing Messageboard is a Work of Art

The times that we are currently living in seem to have some kind of an impact on the kind of things we are working on and making, and one big example of this can be seen in This website is basically a place where you can go and write a message that will be displayed for all to see. The message can be anything that you want it to be but there is a bit of a catch and this catch is that if nobody adds to this site for twenty four hours it will begin deleting messages and will continue to do so until a new message is added, thereby buying the site 24 hours, or until all of the messages as well as the site itself are deleted.

It wouldn’t be a stretch to call this a work of art. The self destruct mechanism adds a sense of urgency to this site, and it also makes it so that adding to it can be an exciting act of communally holding up a forum that has never existed before. People are adding all kinds of messages to this site with the vast majority of these messages providing some kind of a history of the times that we are currently living in.

A lot of the messages are wholesome and supportive, some comment on the poster’s own personality, some are anonymous and others are comments on the site itself. This is creating a unique and honest compendium of the human experience, and since the site is receiving hundreds if not thousands of messages a day it seems unlikely that it will be deleted anytime soon and it will be interesting to see the kind of impact this will have if it continues working properly into the future all in all.

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