One of the most time-consuming processes of sales management and customer relationship management is automated by Salesforce LMS integration. On the one hand, LMS manages the learning and development process, while on the other, Salesforce uses the learner data from the LMS for generating sales. However, there is one issue. Both systems make extensive and hard to manage data.
By combining both the systems into one, Salesforce LMS integration effectively solves the issue. With a one-time login, the single sign-on feature provides you authenticated access to both the systems. You don’t have to switch in between for referring to two sets of data. Although integration is a complicated process, its benefits are many.
This feature enables you to keep the data aligned adequately across both systems. It safeguards the security of your crucial data, establishing data consistency in both the platforms. In addition, with Salesforce LMS integration in place, all subsequent updates to the online courses that would require planning, management, schedule, and controlled manually, will happen automatically.

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By combining both the systems into one, Salesforce LMS integration effectively solves the issue. With a one-time login, the single sign-on feature provides you authenticated access to both the systems. You don’t have to switch in between for referring to two sets of data. Although integration is a complicated process, its benefits are many.
Effective Synchronization Of Data
It is always a time-consuming and labor-intensive task to create profiles for every new entry to your sales team manually. Salesforce LMS integration can reduce this effort to a considerable extent. With the addition of every new user to Salesforce, LMS will also automatically create an account for them. Undoubtedly, all the Salesforce data will automatically be shared with the LMS. With the progress in training, the learner progress data will be made available on the Salesforce CRM by the integration. It gives the administrator to effectively operate only a single platform for ensuring that the sign-ups are done on time, and the course completion rates are tracked appropriately.This feature enables you to keep the data aligned adequately across both systems. It safeguards the security of your crucial data, establishing data consistency in both the platforms. In addition, with Salesforce LMS integration in place, all subsequent updates to the online courses that would require planning, management, schedule, and controlled manually, will happen automatically.
Training Delivery On A Familiar Platform
Whether it's customer training or sales training, in most of the cases, learners do not have the familiarity with the user interface of an LMS. It can inevitably make an adverse effect on your course completion rate. In customer training, the challenges in using an LMS will also become a part of the experience customers will have with your business. Salesforce LMS integration enables the learners to access the “learning” tab in the Salesforce account interface that will make everything simple. They can simply click on the tab to get access to the training materials, on a platform they are used to with.Improved Decisions On Training
Salesforce integration software enables you to suggest training courses to your employees using the performance reports and learning activities. Furthermore, you can assign them additional courses based on their learning history by defining user-based triggers. This way, you can promote better employees by identifying the most effective training and make better training decisions in the process.Streamlined Training
Salesforce LMS integration can bring in excellent streamlining of the customer, partner, and employee training. It is instrumental in product certification training. It reveals how much the learners have completed the training and what additional courses are required to be allotted to them. Moreover, it eliminates the risk of errors associated with manual work that occurs while syncing, importing, and maintaining the data between the two platforms, i.e., the Salesforce LMS.In Conclusion
A lot of insights and updates are missed out while continuously switching from one platform to another. By integrating Salesforce with LMS, you can eliminate this hassle, and when performed appropriately, it boosts the effectiveness of both the platforms. Overall, Salesforce LMS makes life easier for everyone involved with your training strategies, including instructional designers, learners, and their managers. Besides, Salesforce-LMS integration enables you to discover actionable insights related to customer behaviour and generate revenue.
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