Artificial Intelligence, AI, is rapidly growing; especially in a working environment. However, the current state of our AI means that we can work alongside it in harmony.
AI is often seen in sci-fi movies. We’re watching these movies on our screens thinking “that is such a lifetime away from us, I won’t be around to see robots and hovercrafts” when in reality, it’s amongst us now. But, with how fast technology is growing, is that really a shock?
The question that you’re all asking yourself is “will AI replace my job?” and the answer is no. As it currently stands, AI has been formed in order to improve your life, rather than hinder it. What we’re seeing in current releases, is AI that will boost productivity and help you to effectively manage a workforce and the day-to-day running of your business.
By implementing AI into your business, you’ll improve the mental health of your staff, and give your workforce more space to breathe which, without AI, they wouldn’t have. It’s ironic but by introducing AI into your business, you actually make it more human.
As it stands, only 23% of businesses have incorporated AI into their day-to-day working life. Over the next 5 years, Forbes has estimated that AI in the workplace is expected to grow by a massive 50%.
Adzooma understands the importance of a healthy workforce and wants to demonstrate how including AI in a business can bolster the productivity of a team. They have done some extensive research into AI within the workplace and have created the visual below to show you how AI can be utilized.
AI tools such as Pymetrics assess candidates based on their emotional and cognitive characteristics and pair them up to your business and your current employees. While finding a knowledgeable candidate is essential, you also want them to fit into your business and become a great part of the workforce.
By implementing Pymetrics into your recruitment strategy, it’s estimated that your staff retention will increase by 50%, and it’ll take 75% less of your time to recruit someone.
The main area where AI will improve your team’s productivity is by taking over your admin tasks. We understand how scary this sounds for Administrators, but actually, it’s known that by 2030, job growth will soar and those Administrators will be transitioned into a higher-skilled role.
There are many benefits to implementing AI into your workforce:
As an example, here are some tasks that would benefit from having an AI system in place:
Since 2010, there has been a 344% increase in the need for data scientists within a business; what with all the eCommerce websites and social media accounts. However, a data scientist can set a company back a tremendous amount of money. On average, the salary of a data scientist is $130,000 per year.
Deloitte’s LaborWise is an AI system that does your data analysing for you. It collects data from your website and uses analytics to identify trends, roadblocks, areas in the business that are spending a lot of money, and departments within the business that are understaffed.
Implementing an AI system to handle forecasting for the business is estimated to reduce errors within the supply chain by 50%.
Here are a few AI tools that will help lighten the load: - This AI tool collates all of your calendars and figures out when the best time is for you to conduct, or be a part of, a meeting. Whether that’s with your work colleagues or a client. - An AI tool that takes away the task of minute writing. has a microphone which listens to voices and creates detailed notes. It’s great for meetings, interviews and board meetings, where you wouldn’t want to miss out on any important details.
Spoke - Spoke is a very clever AI system that is incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to every HR-related. By asking the system a HR-related question, Spoke will produce the answer quickly. Users can ask Spoke questions across multiple channels such as text, email, Slack or web browser. If it can’t find the appropriate answer, the AI system will send the question off to the most appropriate person within your team, such as the HR manager.
Skype Translator - This is probably the most known form of AI systems - a real-time translator. Skype Translator has a microphone and speaker system, where users can speak or type their sentence into the tool, and Skype Translator will then translate the text into the desired language. It’s great for worldwide communications.
MobileMonkey - MobileMonkey is another AI system that you may be familiar with. MobileMonkey is a tool that’s plugged into your website. It’s essentially a trained chatbot that will answer customer queries. If the chatbot can’t find the correct answer, the message will automatically be fed through to a human.
Google recently launched machine learning algorithms which embrace artificial intelligence. Google’s algorithms consist of NLP or Natural Language Processing for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and Smart Bidding for paid advertising.
Chorus - is a great tool for sales representatives. This AI system is plugged into your phone lines and listens and records calls. Chorus also offers its users tips during their calls, and in real-time. This piece of technology is sure to remove the need for training and allows the employees to learn at their own pace.
Cogito - is a similar phone system, however, it listens out for your tone, the words that you’re using and your approach with the person that you’re talking to. It’s all about mindfulness with this system. Cogito will listen to your phone conversations and give you tips as you’re talking, telling you to slow down if nerves have got the better of you and you’re speaking too quickly.

Read next: Implementing Artificial Intelligence In Your Business (infographic)
AI is often seen in sci-fi movies. We’re watching these movies on our screens thinking “that is such a lifetime away from us, I won’t be around to see robots and hovercrafts” when in reality, it’s amongst us now. But, with how fast technology is growing, is that really a shock?
The question that you’re all asking yourself is “will AI replace my job?” and the answer is no. As it currently stands, AI has been formed in order to improve your life, rather than hinder it. What we’re seeing in current releases, is AI that will boost productivity and help you to effectively manage a workforce and the day-to-day running of your business.
By implementing AI into your business, you’ll improve the mental health of your staff, and give your workforce more space to breathe which, without AI, they wouldn’t have. It’s ironic but by introducing AI into your business, you actually make it more human.
As it stands, only 23% of businesses have incorporated AI into their day-to-day working life. Over the next 5 years, Forbes has estimated that AI in the workplace is expected to grow by a massive 50%.
Adzooma understands the importance of a healthy workforce and wants to demonstrate how including AI in a business can bolster the productivity of a team. They have done some extensive research into AI within the workplace and have created the visual below to show you how AI can be utilized.
How AI Will Improve Your Recruitment Process
Artificial Intelligence can be implemented into your recruitment process to take the long-winded initial stages out of your hands. When you begin your recruitment process, one of your first major tasks is to whittle down your list of potential candidates. If you’re doing this yourself, you’ll lose a lot of time that you could have spent doing something else. Or, if you’re working with a recruitment agency, they’ll do this for you. The downside to this is that recruitment agencies aren’t cheap.AI tools such as Pymetrics assess candidates based on their emotional and cognitive characteristics and pair them up to your business and your current employees. While finding a knowledgeable candidate is essential, you also want them to fit into your business and become a great part of the workforce.
By implementing Pymetrics into your recruitment strategy, it’s estimated that your staff retention will increase by 50%, and it’ll take 75% less of your time to recruit someone.
Give AI Your Long, Boring Jobs
We all have tasks to do that we really don’t want to. Not because they’re difficult, but because they’re boring and time-consuming. And, when we don’t want to do something, our productivity takes a deep dive. We put it off and put it off until we can no longer get away with not doing it. Or, we push through it with paying little attention; this is often where mistakes will be made.The main area where AI will improve your team’s productivity is by taking over your admin tasks. We understand how scary this sounds for Administrators, but actually, it’s known that by 2030, job growth will soar and those Administrators will be transitioned into a higher-skilled role.
There are many benefits to implementing AI into your workforce:
- The accuracy of the work will vastly improve as no human errors will occur.
- If an employee is doing a mundane task, they’ll get bored. This means that the task will take longer to complete as their productivity will freefall. A machine won’t get bored.
- AI can carry out numerous tasks and make millions of decisions all at the same time. This means the speed of execution will skyrocket.
- We all like to think that we’re not biased, but the majority of humans will cast judgement at some point in their working life. A machine has no thoughts or feelings and can, therefore, carry out tasks unbiased.
- As humans, if we overwork ourselves, we’ll burn out. With a machine, burn out is eliminated. Not to mention they don’t need to take breaks or nip off to have lunch.
So, what jobs should succumb to AI?
We aren’t suggesting that you should fire everybody and hand over all your work to an AI system. We’re saying that maybe you should think about improving the productivity in your workforce by implementing an AI system that’ll take away boring daily tasks. It’s both productive and profitable.As an example, here are some tasks that would benefit from having an AI system in place:
Data Analysing
Data analysing is a very long-winded task that consists of gathering and analysing large quantities of data. This data is used to spot trends and highlight opportunities where a business can target its customers to improve the turnover of their business.Since 2010, there has been a 344% increase in the need for data scientists within a business; what with all the eCommerce websites and social media accounts. However, a data scientist can set a company back a tremendous amount of money. On average, the salary of a data scientist is $130,000 per year.
Deloitte’s LaborWise is an AI system that does your data analysing for you. It collects data from your website and uses analytics to identify trends, roadblocks, areas in the business that are spending a lot of money, and departments within the business that are understaffed.
Demand Forecasting
Demand forecasting is an integral part of an eCommerce business. In order to maintain correct stock levels, monitor supply disruptions, and predict changes in product demand, forecasting needs to be done effectively; incorrect forecasting can have disastrous outcomes.Implementing an AI system to handle forecasting for the business is estimated to reduce errors within the supply chain by 50%.
An AI system to carry out administrative tasks is a great place to start if you’re thinking about implementing AI in the workplace. Again, this isn’t to replace Administrators, it’s simply to lighten the workload and remove any long-winded tasks; opening up your Administrators to carry out more important tasks.Here are a few AI tools that will help lighten the load: - This AI tool collates all of your calendars and figures out when the best time is for you to conduct, or be a part of, a meeting. Whether that’s with your work colleagues or a client. - An AI tool that takes away the task of minute writing. has a microphone which listens to voices and creates detailed notes. It’s great for meetings, interviews and board meetings, where you wouldn’t want to miss out on any important details.
Spoke - Spoke is a very clever AI system that is incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to every HR-related. By asking the system a HR-related question, Spoke will produce the answer quickly. Users can ask Spoke questions across multiple channels such as text, email, Slack or web browser. If it can’t find the appropriate answer, the AI system will send the question off to the most appropriate person within your team, such as the HR manager.
Skype Translator - This is probably the most known form of AI systems - a real-time translator. Skype Translator has a microphone and speaker system, where users can speak or type their sentence into the tool, and Skype Translator will then translate the text into the desired language. It’s great for worldwide communications.
MobileMonkey - MobileMonkey is another AI system that you may be familiar with. MobileMonkey is a tool that’s plugged into your website. It’s essentially a trained chatbot that will answer customer queries. If the chatbot can’t find the correct answer, the message will automatically be fed through to a human.
The main market for AI systems is digital marketing. Advances in technology mean that digital marketing agencies can personalise their products, offers, and services and target consumers more effectively than ever before.Google recently launched machine learning algorithms which embrace artificial intelligence. Google’s algorithms consist of NLP or Natural Language Processing for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and Smart Bidding for paid advertising.
Training with AI
There are a handful of AI systems that have developed in recent years that help businesses train their staff. Whether staff need a refresher course in a specific tool or you’re teaching new staff the general rules and guidelines of the business. Here are two of our favourite on-site AI training systems:Chorus - is a great tool for sales representatives. This AI system is plugged into your phone lines and listens and records calls. Chorus also offers its users tips during their calls, and in real-time. This piece of technology is sure to remove the need for training and allows the employees to learn at their own pace.
Cogito - is a similar phone system, however, it listens out for your tone, the words that you’re using and your approach with the person that you’re talking to. It’s all about mindfulness with this system. Cogito will listen to your phone conversations and give you tips as you’re talking, telling you to slow down if nerves have got the better of you and you’re speaking too quickly.
The Future of AI
We understand the concerns of implementing AI in the workplace. As humans, we want to be needed, and having our jobs taken from us by a robot, is all but slightly embarrassing. With how our technology is forming, the future of AI is set to ensure that staff are efficient, productive and are putting their time to better use. Who knows what career paths this could open for us?
Read next: Implementing Artificial Intelligence In Your Business (infographic)