- Facebook announces a new digital education resource to help students, parents, and teachers build the capability to surf safely over the internet.
- The company is also providing tips for remote working.
The risk of students surfing through the restricted sites of the internet has increased after the schools have been closed due to the coronavirus outbreak forced global lockdown. Parents are also not able to supervise their kids as most of them are working from home for their respective corporate networks. To control this growing problem, Facebook has started a new initiative to help students attain the capability to surf safely through the internet.
The new initiative is called ‘Get Digital’ by the company and its purpose is to educate the users, how to protect their confidential information, to access the authenticity of a site, and to develop a healthy routine while using the technology.
The initiative covers a lot of educational areas with each one coming with a video summary of the subject and providing links to authentic resources. It also focuses on educating the users about the use of technology for addressing issues of public concerns and learning various computer science programs.
It’s crucial to educate the students about the dangers of unethical situations being created over the internet to stay safe while being spending more time online during these days of the crisis. By educating the students about the algorithms of social media platform, we can ensure that the next generation will be able to limit the effect of fake information spreading over the internet.
The spread of misinformation over the internet is manipulating the voting decision of masses and it’s important to resist the said manipulation so we will be able to select the best leaders in the future. The social media giant is providing education through expert sources such as The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the ISTE, Harvard University, and National PTA. The said courses also focus on teachers and parents.
The global lockdown has also led a lot of people to remote working which comes with its difficulties. Facebook is also helping the remote workers to give out their performance by publishing important guidelines which was compiled by the company internally. These tips aim to educate the users on, how to improve communication among the team, how to increase the working efficiency to a maximum level, and how to manage routine while working from home. We can say that this initiative by Facebook is a great contribution to worldwide efforts being made to cope up with the ongoing situation.

Photo: NurPhoto via Getty Images
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