Microsoft’s New Browser Might Finally Be Good

It’s been decades since computers and the internet have become a part of our day to day routines, so much so that most people probably can’t even imagine living without these machines. In all this time, people have been making fun of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser because of the fact that it is quite slow, and is without a doubt the worst possible browser that you could ever end up using. If you think about it, the only use that people ever end up having for internet explorer has to do with the fact that it allows them to download Chrome or Firefox or any of the other browsers they want to actually use.

Microsoft tried to change things by creating a new browser that they referred to as Microsoft Edge. This browser was supposed to be sleeker and faster but for the most part it had pretty much all of the same issues that Internet Explorer had, just in a more aesthetically pleasing and ever so slightly improved package. Now it seems that the tide might finally be changing because of the fact that the latest version of Edge is actually quite fast, and has some of the features that people love about Google Chrome.

You will be able to download extensions on the platform as well, and it will be available for most major operating systems. Microsoft has also published a detailed Whitepaper on the Privacy features and behaviors of the new Edge browser.

One caveat is that Microsoft has essentially capitulated to Google by adopting the open source Chromium code that is also used in Google Chrome. Hence in a lot of ways, the latest version of Microsoft Edge is basically Google Chrome dressed up in a Microsoft costume, but this doesn’t change the fact that Windows will finally have a quality stock browser that people might actually consider using.

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