Death of Microsoft Windows 7 is a Milestone for Windows 10

Windows is one of the best operating systems around the world with millions of people using it every single day. Not everyone can operate Linux and other operating systems easily, which is why Windows has remained the first choice of every user.

When Windows released Windows 10, the company was facing problems to gain a user base as fewer people wanted to make a shift to Windows 7. Good news for Windows that Windows 7 has officially ended, which means this version will not be provided with any support in the future.

It is a great news for Microsoft Windows that was looking to increase its user base. Now, a lot of users will automatically shift to Windows 10 when Windows 7 will work as Windows XP.

Windows 7 was hard to replace, however, it is the only version of Windows with no apps. The recent version of Windows has Cortana along with other new apps that make it easier for people to get things done easily. Windows 7 was the last traditional version and it is officially gone now.

Since it’s gone, users will have to move to an updated version of Windows to receive updates and support from Windows. Also, the old version of the Windows is missing out on a lot of latest features. The apps on this version of Windows will work for another 1 year, but then the developers will have to move to Windows 10.

It has been hard for Microsoft to convince people to upgrade their OS to Windows 10 and it will be harder this time. In any way, the more users upgrade to Windows 10, the more profit the Microsoft will make. The death of Windows 7 will be a huge hit for Windows.

Even though there is a lot of fix in the Windows 10, but the Microsoft has one less thing to worry about and that is – Windows 7.

Although Windows 7 will no longer receive Microsoft updates, but Windows will keep supporting Windows 8.1. This OS version is not a problem for Windows as a very small number of people are using Windows 8.1.

It is also in the news that the death of Windows 7 will lead users to move towards Linux, but that is not 100% sure. This is very unlikely that a huge number of users will move to Linux from Windows 7.

Linux has improved a lot in the last few years, but a lot of users are still not familiar with the OS. Windows might have stopped supporting Windows 7, but still, there is a very small chance for Linux to convince so many users to move to their OS.

Windows has always been everyone’s favorite, which is why it is least expected that people will move from this OS to another one. Windows 10 version is not as traditional as Windows once were – it is way more updated.

You will get to enjoy a lot of things in Windows 10 along with new updates, apps, games, Microsoft Store, and whatnot. Until now, this OS version is doing fine and has not given people a reason to hate their choice of switching to it.

Giving a try to Windows 10 is a must if you would love to enjoy a whole new OS. It has evolved a lot and is expected to evolve in the future as well. We hope that Windows has good things in its closet for us, but we can only know it if we are using Windows 10.

Photo: Paul Sakuma — AP Photo

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