When the conversations around social media occurring, the names that most people think of are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok and more recently LinkedIn with Pinterest also making some gains in the past year. However, Reddit seems to be disregarded, which is not to say that no one talks about it rather it means that people tend not to think about how influential it can be with regards to how it can affect the way people think and the content that they end up consuming while they are using the internet.
As Reddit looks back on the year it has had, it’s plain to see that the year has involved an enormous amount of growth, growth that indicates that the platform may end up becoming more influential than ever as time goes by. In October, Reddit had reached 430 million monthly active users, something that shows a huge 30% jump in the total number of users the platform has as well as bringing it ever closer to that coveted half billion mark.
The various communities that form Reddit made just short of 200 million posts, which means that the people that are using this platform are definitely active. These posts get interacted with a lot as well, with about 1.7 billion comments being made in the year 2019 alone. In total, posts were viewed 53% more often this year, and there was a 37% increase in the total number of comments that were made as well which indicates a healthy amount of growth that the platform would probably end up sustaining into the new decade.
In the year 2019, the most popular AMA was conducted by none other than Bill Gates whose AMA got 110,000 upvotes. The second highest number of upvotes for an AMA was given to a more humorous version of the forum which was conducted by the fictional Cookie Monster, giving a unique example of the quirky sense of humor that various users of the platform take part in. All in all, Reddit is an essential part of the internet, one that you simply cannot ignore if you want to see where the world of social media is headed.

Photo: SOPA Images via Getty Images
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As Reddit looks back on the year it has had, it’s plain to see that the year has involved an enormous amount of growth, growth that indicates that the platform may end up becoming more influential than ever as time goes by. In October, Reddit had reached 430 million monthly active users, something that shows a huge 30% jump in the total number of users the platform has as well as bringing it ever closer to that coveted half billion mark.
The various communities that form Reddit made just short of 200 million posts, which means that the people that are using this platform are definitely active. These posts get interacted with a lot as well, with about 1.7 billion comments being made in the year 2019 alone. In total, posts were viewed 53% more often this year, and there was a 37% increase in the total number of comments that were made as well which indicates a healthy amount of growth that the platform would probably end up sustaining into the new decade.
"Redditors have never shied away from discussing the tough issues, and the community turned out for it in 2019. Users showed interest in a number of world events, including the Hong Kong protests, net neutrality, vaccinations and the #Trashtag movement.", announced Nicole Murphy from Reddit team in a blog post.One aspect of Reddit that has been popular for quite some time is the Ask Me Anything (AMA) subreddit that involves people that are influential in the real world coming onto the platform and letting people ask them a variety of questions. AMAs have been conducted by world leaders, celebrities and all manner of highly visible people.
In the year 2019, the most popular AMA was conducted by none other than Bill Gates whose AMA got 110,000 upvotes. The second highest number of upvotes for an AMA was given to a more humorous version of the forum which was conducted by the fictional Cookie Monster, giving a unique example of the quirky sense of humor that various users of the platform take part in. All in all, Reddit is an essential part of the internet, one that you simply cannot ignore if you want to see where the world of social media is headed.

Photo: SOPA Images via Getty Images
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