Social media has definitely improved our lives in a lot of ways, but it’s fair to say that it has caused a wide variety of issues as well, all of which are bound to become even more serious if they are not dealt with as quickly as possible. One of these issues has to do with the fact that whenever someone posts on social media they are probably going to be showing off the best parts of their lives, and this can create a narrative in your head that your life does not measure up to one that other people are taking part in.
This puts a lot of pressure on teens to keep up appearances, and if they don’t manage to do so this can lead to feelings of depression, self loathing and other serious matters that are going to be a drain on the emotional health of any given teenager. This is why Instagram has collaborated with the Jed Foundation to create a tool book that is meant to help teens engage with social media as well as the various content that they see on these platforms in a much healthier way.
Social media use is far more prevalent than ever before, and chances are that people are going to use it more and more often as it starts to become an integral part of the way we live our lives. According to Instagram, the toolkit is not going to give you any rules about what you should or shouldn’t do. Instead, it will contextualize the images a teen might see on the platform and help them not to feel bad about themselves because they aren’t living up to the kind of idealized lifestyle that people tend to promote on the platform all in all.

Photo: Thomas Trutschel Photothek / Getty Images
Read next: Instagram Tests Two New Features - Gradient Themed DMs and Saving New Stories Directly to Archive
This puts a lot of pressure on teens to keep up appearances, and if they don’t manage to do so this can lead to feelings of depression, self loathing and other serious matters that are going to be a drain on the emotional health of any given teenager. This is why Instagram has collaborated with the Jed Foundation to create a tool book that is meant to help teens engage with social media as well as the various content that they see on these platforms in a much healthier way.
Social media use is far more prevalent than ever before, and chances are that people are going to use it more and more often as it starts to become an integral part of the way we live our lives. According to Instagram, the toolkit is not going to give you any rules about what you should or shouldn’t do. Instead, it will contextualize the images a teen might see on the platform and help them not to feel bad about themselves because they aren’t living up to the kind of idealized lifestyle that people tend to promote on the platform all in all.

Photo: Thomas Trutschel Photothek / Getty Images
Read next: Instagram Tests Two New Features - Gradient Themed DMs and Saving New Stories Directly to Archive