How to Grow Your Instagram Followers in 2020

There is no doubt that Instagram is a very appealing platform for businesses. To date, Instagram boasts about 25 million Business profiles – Huge, right?

If you have a business profile on Instagram or planning to start an Instagram page, you need the right followers for your account. Only increasing the followers is of no use because wrong followers cannot bring you business. There is a race to get more followers on Instagram, but only a few know that social validation is more important than just getting followers.

Having thousands and millions of followers on your social media accounts is not effective when your followers don’t understand your brand’s message.. A lot of people engage in activities like follow-for-follow and likes-for-likes to increase their follower's list, but what benefit does that bring them?

If you are a new brand, then getting new followers might be the only thing on your due to lack of knowledge – but – this article will help you to get all the information you need to stay on the top of the search.

Increasing organic traffic on the Instagram page is the most difficult part, but it is not impossible. If you have the enthusiasm and right knowledge, 2020 might become the year you have been waiting for.

In this article, you will get to know the top 7 tricks to increase your followers but don’t expect it to work overnight. Get the right clicks, likes, comments and follows to lead your business to the top. Over 80% of customers are using Instagram for product research, let’s take advantage of this number.

Read all the tips below to increase active engagement by right followers on Instagram.

1. Optimize your Instagram Bio

Your Instagram bio says a lot about the brand and the brand owner. If you have an improper bio, a wrong profile picture or spelling mistakes in your captions, then it is very unlikely to get the right followers. You get a fraction of a second to convert a casual browser into a customer and if your bio shows incomplete information, you can lose this fraction.

A proper Instagram growth strategy includes having a legit and professional bio to people engage more in your business. Be clear about your brand and write a bio that people are looking for.

Here are tips to improve your bio and gain more customers.
  • The headline appears in the searches, which you can utilize to gain followers. Add a keyword in your headline that is directed towards your targeted audience. Keyword searches are one of the best ways to increase organic traffic for your business.
  • Gain audience credibility. Add job title, niche, and few slogans that catch the attention of the customer. Organize the body section of your bio as well.
  • Add a branded hashtag and location in your company’s profile. Due to the character limit, try to write everything in bullet points. You can also write the company’s mission statement in a few words.
  • Keep throwing in discounts and giveaways on your profile so your audience is forced to click on your URL from time to time.
  • Add a credibility line such as certified in ___ followed by your brand’s website or a blog. You can also use Linktree for more than one links for Instagram growth.

2. Good Content, More Followers

In the age of digital marketing, it is the content that matters the most. Visual content enables you to attract customers and captions allows you to communicate better with your audience. Before posting anything on your Instagram profile, you must be pretty sure about how will this content contribute to your IG growth? Aesthetics of your profile matters a lot as they give a professional look to your page.

Always go with one filter, one size and stick with one palette throughout your IG posts. Try to go with the 60/40 rule, which means, in every 10 pictures, 6 will be about your brand and remaining to entertain and educate followers. This rule is great for audience engagement on Instagram.

You can also kick start engagement on your profile with the help of agencies such as ViralRace that can help in growing Instagram engagement. It is easy to acquire Instagram followers but engagement matters the most, so make a proper content calendar and keep these points in mind.

3. Perfect Instagram Captions

Write emojiful and engaging captions as they are the real eye-catchers. Use your brand’s voice in your captions and engage the audience by asking questions or more.

Photo: Wichayada

4. Use Hashtags Sparingly

Post with relevant hashtags perform better in terms of engagement as compared to posts with no hashtags, so choosing the right hashtags is a great deal. Think like your client and sought to make a list of hashtags that your clients will search for your brand. Find popular hashtags that show about 5000-800,000 post results along with good exposure.

Create a list of such hashtags and divide them into niche-specific tags. Keep on switching between the tags. Use 3 to 5 tags for content promotion, 3+ for the target audience, and 3+ for location and brand relevance – perfect strategy.

5. Work on Storytelling

Storytelling is a strong feature. Post quick updates, behind-the-scenes, exclusives on your profile along with posting stories and going live on your profile. Add relevant keywords in them including your location to stay in the explore page. You can also put highlights that depicts your brand or use Question feature to keep your audience engaged. A dead IG page can never bring you engagement. Stay Active!

6. Giveaways

Keep your audiences’ adrenaline rushing for better engagement!

Choose a budget, reward and incentives and throw giveaways for 70% for more engagement. One of the best basic methods for targeting new audiences is through hashtagging, following, commenting and posting. Apart from it, collaboration with other brands is also a good option. Don’t forget to add a brand and giveaway-specific hashtag.

7. Influencers for Brand Engagement

Influencers strive to work for brands, so set your budget wisely and go for influencer marketing. Make sure you target those influencers who are in the business with interest and have the right audience for your brand. Also, see if they have worked before in the same field as you to gain knowledge of their previous endeavours.

These were the 7 tips to boost your Instagram engagement in the year 2020 and onward. If you have not been following these tips, now is the time to do so!
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